Difference between revisions of "The Maelstrom"

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{{AreaTemplate|Name=The Maelstrom|Description=Caught between a relentless storm and a raging whirlpool, a rugged pirate captain holds his course with his ship and crew.  The furious elements of the sea are not from natural causes and the captain knows it.  With a crew on the brink of mutiny, the captain could choose to end the beating to his ship.  But his stubborn nature wont allow it.  Eternal punishment is fearsome, but since he`s already dead does it matter?|Author=Din|Rooms=204|Population=68|Currency=Gold coins (default)|LevelRange=41-50|MedianLevel=45|AvgAlign=pure neutral|MedAlignment=pure neutral|LANGUAGES=|ECONOMY=|RECOMMENDED=Recommended for levels 41 through 50.}}  
{{AreaTemplate|Name=The Maelstrom|Description=Caught between a relentless storm and a raging whirlpool, a rugged pirate captain holds his course with his ship and crew.  The furious elements of the sea are not from natural causes and the captain knows it.  With a crew on the brink of mutiny, the captain could choose to end the beating to his ship.  But his stubborn nature wont allow it.  Eternal punishment is fearsome, but since he`s already dead does it matter?|Author=Din|Rooms=204|Population=68|Currency=Gold coins (default)|LevelRange=41-50|MedianLevel=45|AvgAlign=pure neutral|MedAlignment=pure neutral|LANGUAGES=|ECONOMY=|RECOMMENDED=Recommended for levels 41 through 50.}}  
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Latest revision as of 20:23, 11 July 2023

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===The Maelstrom===
Description: Caught between a relentless storm and a raging whirlpool, a rugged pirate captain holds his course with his ship and crew. The furious elements of the sea are not from natural causes and the captain knows it. With a crew on the brink of mutiny, the captain could choose to end the beating to his ship. But his stubborn nature wont allow it. Eternal punishment is fearsome, but since he`s already dead does it matter?
Author: Din Currency: Gold coins (default)
Rooms: 204 Population: 68
LevelRange: 41-50 MedianLevel: 45
AvgAlign: pure neutral MedAlignment: pure neutral
Recommendation: Recommended for levels 41 through 50.

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