The Crystal Ball

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===The Crystal Ball===
Description: The Crystal Ball sat for years, discarded as junk in the cluttered old trunk of a mage shop. Unwanted magical trinkets, half fizzled wands, and other knick-knacks were left to be forgotten along with it in the trunk. Until... an awakening occurred from an unimaginable blending of the eclectic items and their stubborn cling to the mystic. The cracked crystal ball gained new life and new power. It anticipates those who wish to see inside. With the gift of foresight, the ball innately reflects back on those who come. It sees into the heart of its rivals, learning and adapting to them as it slowly increases its resistance to intrusion. Only time spent away allows the ball to forget. And alas! It cannot contain its treasures endlessly. On occasion it must slip, and allow the prizes of its absorbed power to be unbound. Some may pilfer the ball itself, and enjoy the diversions of passing from traveler to traveler. But in the end, somehow, the Crystal Ball always finds its way back to the forgotteness of the trunk.
Author: Din Currency: Gold coins (default)
Rooms: 27 Population: 40
LevelRange: 35-35 MedianLevel: 35
AvgAlign: pure neutral MedAlignment: pure neutral
Recommendation: Recommended for levels 30 through 60. (Level Range adjusts from above based on player level)

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