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CoffeeMud Version

Released on Mon Mar 10, 2003 4:42 pm

  1. StdShopKeepers (in their misc text field) and GenShopKeepers (in a special prejudice field) will be able to modify the prices, up or down, of the goods they offer based on racial category or alignment, or just for everybody if you don't like the stock formula.
  2. Seperate start and death rooms will be specified in the INI file based on alignment or racial category.
  3. GateGuard and DoorwayGuardian can now modify their behavior based on the same criteria as the Prop_HaveZapper property (based on racial category, class, base class, or alignment). You'll be able to use these seperately or in combination to make gate guards more friendly, or outright mean.
  4. A new Behavior FasterRoom will be able to increase the number of rejuvinating ticks for mobs in the room or area affected by it. In addition, you can also set it up to increase the number of times the mobs in the rooms tick, which will affect spell effects, combat, and everything else that ticks. Either one or both of these can be set using the FasterRoom behavior.
  5. And lastly (I think), the mud will support listening on any number of specified ports.