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Targets: MOBs, ROOMs, and AREAs
Parameters: Max/Min ticks, pct chance, rooms radius, max#assists;
Description: Parm (cont): protected citizen mask;guardian mask; yell strings, ';' separated.

Example  : radius=5 maxassists=7;-NAME +citizen;-NAME +cityguard;HELP ME!!!;Save me!

Example  : radius=10 maxassists=2;-NAME +citizen;HELP ME!!!;,screams for his life!


This behavior allows a mob described by the citizen mask (the first string after the first semicolon) to scream for help during combat, given the conditions described by the parameters. MIN and MAX describe the range of ticks (3 second periods) between screams. MAXASSISTS describes the maximum number of guardians who will assist the citizen. CHANCE describes the PERCENT chance the mob has of screaming after the period. Whenever the mob screams the system will check RADIUS rooms deep around the mob for a guardian mob that matches the mask check after the second semicolon. In this example, mobs with the word "cityguard" in their name. If such a mob is found, and that mob has one of the "Mobile" behaviors, it will be moved one room closer to the screaming mob. When the guardian mob arrives to the same room as the screaming mob, it will join the screaming mob in defence. All of the semicolon-separated strings at the end of the parameter list will denote the random things which the screaming mob will yell out. Once a mob has come to the screamers defence, it will stop screaming. If a comma prefixes the scream message, it will be emoted instead.

For the valid masks for the citizen and guardian mobs, see AHELP ZAPPERMASK

