CoffeeMUD |
Administrator Builder Player |
=CoffeeMUD Administrator Information= |
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The Player Manager allows you to interface with Player-related lists from the MUDGrinder. This can be useful for accessing and modifying individual characters, bank accounts, postal accounts, and banned names stored in the MUD.
Player Manager
The player manager displays a listing of all characters on the MUD with 6 columns of data. Clicking on a column will do an ascending sort-by on that column.
- Name
- Race
- Class
- Level
- Hours
- Last Date/Time
Player Select
Selecting a specific player's name shows a detailed information sheet about the character. From this information sheet, the player may be edited, deleted, banned, or IP banned.
Editing a Player from the Grinder
When editing a player from the grinder, you may modify the following fields:
- Gender
- Race
- Class(es)
- Levels in classes
- Hit Points (Max)
- Mana (Max)
- Movement (Max)
- Strength (Base)
- Intelligence (Base)
- Dexterity (Base)
- Wisdom (Base)
- Constitution (Base)
- Charisma (Base)
- Height
- Weight
- Age (hours online)
- Practices
- Trains
- Total Experience
- Attack
- Speed
- Damage
- Defence
- Base Saves (Fire, Cold, Water, Paralysis, Disease, Magic, Poison, Acid, Gas, Undead, Electical, Mind)
- Clan Membership and Rank
- Deity
- Quest Points
- Flags
- Factions
- Equipment (each piece of equipment, and where it is in their inventory)
- Abilities (as well as proficiency percentages and any parameters)
- Behaviors
- Affects
- Expertises
- Followers
- Notes
- Titles
- Tattoos
- Security Flags
Senses and Dispositions cannot be edited through the grinder, since this may cause some unintended effects when saving the character.
Banned List
This is the listing of names/characters/accounts banned from playing CoffeeMUD. You may view the list, add new names, or delete existing names through this interface.
Bank Accounts
The Bank Accounts manager lists all of the Bank Names found throughout the MUD. Clicking on a Bank Name will show all players/clans with an account in that bank, and their current balance. Clicking on the player's name will pull up a listing of:
- Balance : Currency stored at the bank
- Deposited Items : Items stored at the bank
- Deposited Worth :
- Debt : Any loans BORROWed from that bank
- Debt due : Amount due
- Debt info : Debt info
Postal Accounts
The Postal Account manager lists all of the various Postal services found throughout the MUD. Clicking on a postal service will show a listing of player names with accounts in that system. Clicking on a player name will list details about mail stored in their boxes
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