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Each Post Office in the world belongs to a network of Postal Chains. A player must have an account with at least one postman within the Postal Chain in order to send or receive mail in that chain. A player must have an account at that specific branch in order to send or receive mail at that branch. Mail cannot be sent between Postal Chains, but can be sent between branches of a specific postal chain.

Area Postal Chain Location
Alramus Expresso Postal System Empire Boulevard north of Merchant March
Calinth Expresso Postal System Troll Street east of Hedram Place
Elvenhame Expresso Postal System Common Road south of West Main Road
Midgaard Expresso Postal System Poor Alley east of west Wall Road
New Thalos Expresso Postal System Sultan's Walk north of Market Square
Orthindar Expresso Postal System The Overflows, east of the Overflows bank

Opening an Account

Upon arriving at a new post office, you may open an account by using the command SAY (postalclerk name) OPEN. They will charge you a fee for opening the new account.

Sending mail

Use the DEPOSIT (itemname) command to send mail. A dialogue will ask to whom the package is for, as well as asking whether you will pay the fee, or have the fee payed by the receiver.

Receiving mail

If you have any mail waiting for you at any post office, a message will appear when you first log in as to the location(s) of awaiting mail. Use the LIST command to view what mail is in your box. Use the WITHDRAW (itemname) command to receive the mail. If the mail was sent COD, then you must pay the postage fee to withdraw it. Mail may only remain in your post box for a certain time period (depending on independent branch parameters).

Forwarding Mail

If there are multiple branches in a postal chain, you can forward your mail from one branch to another so that all of your mail arrives at the same mailbox. To forward your mail, use the command SAY (postalckerk name) "FORWARD (areaname)".

Closing your postal account

To close your box, use the command SAY (postalclerk name) CLOSE. This will prevent others from mailing items to that branch. If it is the last branch in the chain, then any mail directed to you will be returned to the sender.


  • Only one item may be mailed with each deposit. This means that containers must be empty in order to be mailed, and may affect how socketted items are transported.