CoffeeMUD |
Administrator Builder Player |
=CoffeeMUD Builder Information= | |||
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=Ships and Other Navigable Boardables= | |||
Airships Castles Caravans Sailing Ships Submersibles |
This page is for constructing GenCaravans. For GenWagons, please see the ITEMS page.
GenCaravans are special portals connected to a series of rooms with special CARAVAN commands. GenCaravans can be purchased, sold, and traded like Property(CoffeeMUD). GenCaravans can be damaged using the seige combat system.
Creating a GenCaravan
As with all things in CoffeeMUD there are two ways to create, through the Command Line (CL) and through the MUD Grinder.
CL Method
Go to a room in which you are creating the caravan. You may wish to create the caravan in a room that it may normally travel in, such as a road or plains room. This room may be a restricted room.
- EDIT the item fields:
- Name
- Display
- Description
- Price
- Base Value
- Weight
- Moves per Tick
- ENTER (caravanname)
- Modify rooms on the caravan.
- Make sure you create an exit by using LINK (room number that the caravan was created in) BACK. Most doors are on the BACK side of the caravan. You can link to any room outside of the caravan, is just creating the dynamic link to exiting the caravan.
- CREATE ROOM FOREWARD to create a room in front of the exiting room (you are on a caravan, so you need to use caravan directions).
- You can link internal rooms to each other by referencing their room numbers.
- EXIT your caravan
- SAVE ROOM again, just in case.
MUD Grinder Method
Go to a room in which you are creating the caravan. This room may be a restricted room (non-player room, just to contain the inventory which you will use elsewhere later).
- Under items, click the NEW button.
- On the Item Screen, select GenCaravan. Modify information and save the item.
- Edit the item, completing the following items:
- Name
- Display
- Description
- Price
- Base Value
- Weight
- Moves per Tick
- Click EDIT ROOMS button
- This will open up a new area editor with the base room. Caravan should generally be laid out in a North-South configuration. The NORTH exit in the editor is the same as FOREWARD on the caravan.
- Make sure at least ONE room links to an external area. This will become an exit for the caravan, and link to the room the caravan is currently in.
- After you are finished creating and modifying rooms, finish out of the area.
- Save the GenCaravan
- Save the Room
- You can now add the caravan to any other room or shopkeeper inventory for as long as the caravan remains in the item queue.
GenCaravan fields
- 1. Name - Note, using the bracketed [NEWNAME] parameter will allow players to specify the name of the caravan. IE. Battlewagon [NEWNAME] would prompt a player to input a name after they purchase he caravan from a shopkeeper. If they input ABRAMS , then the caravan name would become the BATTLEWAGON ABRAMS.
- 2. Display - This is the short text seen by others in the room of the caravan. Again, using the bracketed [NEWNAME] will allow the caravan name to be displayed in the display.
- 3. Description - This should be the general description for a caravan of this class. Generally, the name of the caravan is not used in the description, but using the bracketed [NEWNAME] will allow the caravan name to be displayed.
- 4. Level - caravan level is only significant for picking up vessels (which is not recommended) and for recipe designs. A player may own any level of caravan.
- 5. Rejuv/Pct - 0 for never, which player caravans should not rejuv. Enemy caravans should be set to 100.
- 6. Capacity - This is the external capacity of the caravan, which they could only get access to from outside the caravan. Internal capacity will be on a room-by-room basis.
- 7. Can Contain - Leave set to ANYTHING. Again, true capacity is set on a room-by-room basis.
- 8. Owner - This field contains the name of the player or clan that owns the caravan. An Owner name that starts with the "#" character denotes a special property that should be treated as owned for certain legal purposes, but not by any real Clan or Player.
- 9. Price - Total price=cost + price + sum of all items costs on the caravan.
- 10. Has a lid - leave set at FALSE. This works similar to capacity, and is only significant if capacity is greater than 0.
- 11. Material Type - This determines what materials will be received if the caravan is scrapped. Setting to NOTHING will effectively prevent the caravan from being scrapped (great for ghost-caravans), but this should generally reflect the nature of the caravan.
- 12. Secret Identity - Not generally used.
- 13. Base Value - Total price=cost + price + sum of all items costs on the caravan.
- 14. Uses Remaining - This is how damaged the caravan is (percentage).
- 15. Weight - I recommend at least 1000 pounds per room. This is significant for clever players who scrap the ship (what a waste!). I have used a more complicated formula for caravans in the caravanbuilding skill (see Caravan Room Design below)
- 16. Dispositions - Set these dispositions as desired to make invisible, hidden, etc. Do not set IS FLYING, IS CLIMBING, IS SWIMMING = TRUE.
- The "Is Unattackable" disposition will prevent players and mobs from attacking this caravan, which is useful for public service vessels.
- 17.
- IS GETTABLE - Leave set to FALSE for normal use. It is not a good idea to enable the caravan to be picked up (lots of potential unexplored conflicts with players in rooms in other players inventories), although builders may wish to temporarily allow this so they can put caravans in specific locations and then modify the flag again to disable GET.
- IS DROPPABLE - Leave set to TRUE
- IS REMOVABLE - Leave set to TRUE
- NON-LOCATABLE - Set to TRUE if you desire the ship to avoid detection (such as scrying).
- BLEND DISPLAY - Set to TRUE if you desire the ship to not show up in the room (perhaps police frigates or some such). Normally leave as FALSE.
- CONTENTS ACCESS - Leave set to FALSE. This field would allow access to items stored inside the ship's capacity (6) to be usable by a character holding the ship (like a key ring allows keys to be accessed). Has no effect if 6 is set to zero OR IS GETTABLE is set to FALSE.
- 18. There is no 18. Don't modify.
- 19. Assigned Room IDs - This is autogenerated. To change the caravan's area, first enter the caravan and MODIFY AREA, changing the name. Then return to this CL editor and edit this field to point to the new area name. If using the [NEWNAME] function as the caravan id from option 1 and 2, then do not modify this field.
- 20. Behaviors - Any behaviors you wish applied to the caravan object. Normally, you will want the behaviors on the mobs inside the caravans.
- 21. Effects - Any effects you wish applied to the caravan itself, such as prop_scrapexplode to prevent a particular caravan from resulting in materials when scrapped.
- 22. Rideable Type - Leave set as ENTER-IN (otherwise there are different items that you desire)
- 23. Number of MOBs held - Leave set at 1. This would be significant if you modified the RIDEABLE TYPE to be something else, but really makes no sense.
- 24. Exit Direction - The title of the door used to enter/leave the caravan.
- 25. Exit Closed Text - Caravan entries may use doors, so this would be the entry display when closed, like "a closed door" or "a shut gate".
- 26. Mount Strings - A list of slash(/) delimited descriptors for entering/exiting the caravan.
- 27. Moves per Tick - This is the combat speed of the caravan. A value of 1-5 is recommended. Having too large of a value will make siege combat too unpredictable.
- 28. MXP Image filename - The filename of the MXP graphic.
Creating Multiple Caravans
Since GenCaravans are basically miniature areas, some care should be taken when creating multiple caravans. Similar to areas, each caravan should have it's own area name (ideally, matching the caravan name, so when players are on the caravan, they will see that in the appropriate commands). Creating multiple caravans is similar to creating multiple ships, which are discussed on under GenSailingShips.
Caravan Room Design
Due to the various designs of caravans, different styles of caravans may result in dramatically different material costs/weights to build the caravan. Therefore, the caravans in the caravan making skill use the following format for determining weight:
Size | Total Rooms | Weight | Cost |
Small | 2 | 600 | 100 |
Medium | 3 | 1200 | 150 |
Large | 4 | 2400 | 250 |
Huge | 5 | 3600 | 1000 |
Massive | 6+ | 4800 | 2500 |
- for battle-platforms (caravans that carry siege weapons), I would frequently make the caravan only 2 rooms total, but increase the weapon capacity limits on the caravan to reflect that a heavier siege weapon required more space (although just a single room). Mounting a Trebuchet to a horse-drawn frame that you could fire the Trebuchet from while moving requires significant engineering!
- Double Decker caravans would double the non-bench rooms available on a caravan, so a large double-decker would have (4-1=3) three coach rooms.
The Bench Room:
Each caravan should have 1 bench as the FOREWARD-most room. The Bench is where the caravan driving commands are normally issued from. As such, the bench should be a DECK room and MAY have an exit to the LEFT or RIGHT (or both) for ease of dismounting.
Bench room weights are "free" WoodenDeck rooms (no additional cost or weight, but do count as 1 room). Each bench seats up to 3 people. I use the Prop_ReqCapacity settings of (people=3 mobs=2 weight=50 items=5) to reduce the likelihood of a caravan becoming undriveable due to inadvertently filling up the room with NPC mobs.
Room | Type | Weight | Cost | Props | Notes |
Coach | Wooden | 1000 | 1000 | Prop_ReqCapacity(people=12 mobs=11 weight=2000 items=100) | This is a basic people-hauler room. |
Library | Wooden | 2000 | 2500 | Prop_ReqCapacity(people=4 mobs=3 weight=2000 items=1000) | This room is designed to hold more items than a coach. Consider adding built-in bookshelves. |
Wooden | Spa | 4000 | 5000 | Prop_ReqCapacity(people=4 mobs=3 weight=1000 items=100) | This room is designed to hold a bathtub, which must be added separately. |
Luxury | Wooden | 2000 | 5000 | Prop_ReqCapacity(people=6 mobs=5 weight=3000 items=200) | This is intended to serve as a living room feature. Consider adding 1 or two window-type exits and nice seating like sofas or lounges. |
Wooden | Chapel | 1200 | 1250 | Prop_ReqCapacity(people=12 mobs=11 weight=2000 items=100), Prop_NoTelling, Prop_NoChannel, Prop_HereSpellCast(Skill_Shush) | This is a quite-space room. |
Kitchen | Wooden | 2500 | 3000 | Prop_ReqCapacity(people=4 mobs=3 weight=5000 items=1000) | This room is reinforced to hold heavy furniture such as a stove, sink and/or fridge, which must be added in separately. Cabinets for holding dishes, and a table for preparing items are nice additions. |
LSW | ShipLightGunDeck | 2000 | 2000 | This open platform has hardpoints for mounting a light siege weapon. | |
MSW | ShipMediumGunDeck | 3000 | 2500 | This open platform has hardpoints for mounting a medium siege weapon. | |
HSW | ShipHeavyGunDeck | 4000 | 3000 | This open platform has hardpoints for mounting a heavy siege weapon. | |
Ice | Wooden | 3000 | 5000 | Prop_IceBox, Prop_ReqCapacity(people=12 mobs=11 weight=2000 items=100) | This is a refrigerated room for preventing items from spoiling. |
Freight | Wooden | 2000 | 1500 | Prop_ReqCapacity(people=4 mobs=3 weight=10000 items=1000) | This is a basic cargo-hauler room. |
Tanker | IndoorUnderWater | 5000 | 2500 | Prop_ReqCapacity(people=12 mobs=11 weight=2000 items=100) | This room is full of water, ideal for transporting large quantities of water and water creatures. Due to the nature of this room, entry to the caravan is to a side-exit of the Bench room, and a BACK exit leads to the tanker room. This way, players won't drown trying to get to the driving station of the caravan. |
Smithy | Wooden | 6000 | 2000 | Prop_ReqCapacity(people=3 mobs=2 weight=4000 items=1000) | This is a reinforced room to hold a forge and storage bins for crafting, which must be included separately. |
Vault | Wooden | 6000 | 7500 | Prop_ReqCapacity(people=6 mobs=5 weight=4000 items=500), Prop_NoSummon, Prop_NoTeleport(nosummon=true) | This is a treasure room. Consider adding a lock to the caravan door to make it more difficult to access. |
Troop | Wooden | 1500 | 500 | Prop_ReqCapacity(people=12 mobs=11 weight=2000 items=100), Prop_RoomView(LONGLOOK ATTACK;OUT) | This is basically an uncomfortable coach room with arrow-slits. |
Caravan Guidelines
These guidelines are specific to the Original CoffeeMUD server. Other administrators may use different values.
- Caravans should be designed in a north-south fashion. The bench of the caravan should be the northern most room, the door/entry of the caravan the southern-most room.
- For caravans with a sealed cargo compartment (such as tankers), the door/entry can be the LEFT or RIGHT exit of the bench.
- Caravans should be longer north-south than they are wide east-west. Most caravans will probably only have a single column of rooms north-south.
- Caravans generally do not have siege weapons, aside from specially designed caravans.
- Deck rooms should have weight limits, to control how many (0) siege weapons can be placed on them. This includes bench rooms or open-cargo rooms.
- The WoodenDeck locale is the basic room type for ships, caravans and castles. It provides a flat, open-air surface upon which players may fish from (if adjacent to water) and siege weapons may fire from.
- Non-weapon deck rooms should have prop_reqcapacity(items=20 weight=300 siegeweapon=0). This is the default setting for the ShipDeck room locale.
- Light-Weapon deck rooms should have prop_reqcapacity(items=20 weight=400 siegeweapon=1). This is the default setting for the ShipLightGunDeck locale.
- Normal Weapon deck rooms should have prop_reqcapacity(items=20 weight=600 siegeweapon=2). This is the default setting for the ShipMedGunDeck locale.
- Heavy Weapon deck rooms should have prop_reqcapacity(items=20 weight=1000 siegeweapon=3). This is the default setting for the ShipHeavyGunDeck locale.
- Any Cargo hold rooms (woodroom or stoneroom, generally below deck) should have prop_req(items=1000 weight=10000). This is the default setting for the ShipHold locale. This creates a large hold, but helps limit the overall carry capacity of the ship, making larger ships more useful for hauling big cargos.
- Any other enclosed (wood/stone) rooms should have prop_reqcapacity(items=100 weight=1000). This is the default setting for the ShipQuarter locale. This allows players to create a variety of rooms without worrying directly about weight.
- The ShipMagazine is an enclosed wooden room with prop_reqcapacity(items=200 weight=1000). The intent is for this room type to be located next to a ShipHeavyGunDeck with no other links, to provide a storage location for ammunition.
- Caravan Moves per Tick should be between 1 and 5 inclusive. Larger values will make combat between two very fast ships too random.
Updating Caravanbuilding Skills
To create a specialized listing of available caravan:
- Create each of your caravans individually in your design room.
- Be sure to include a gangplank from your caravan (an exit off of the caravan), which may be linked to your caravan building room. The Caravanbuilding skill will change this link to reference wherever the ship is located at the time.
- Save the room and then EXPORT ROOM ITEMS (your caravan saving directory).
- Repeat for each caravan desired to be added to your list.
- Create a text file called Caravanbuilding.cmare
- Copy the files from each exported ship into your Caravanbuilding.cmare text file.
- Delete the ITEMS tag from the start of each caravan file, and the /ITEMS tag from the end of each file.
- When you are done adding caravans, make add in an ITEMS tag at the start of the file and a /ITEMS tag at the end of the file.
- Save your Caravanbuilding.cmare file.
- Delete the Caravanbuilding.cmare file in /Resources/Skills
- Delete the shipwright.txt file in /Resources/Skills
- On any character with caravanbuilding, do the CARAVANBUILD LIST command to see your new caravans.
Other Caravan Tricks
These are builder hacks for designing a better caravan:
- If you don't want your caravan to be controlled by a player, then create your bench room in your caravan with the captain in it, and remove the link to get there. Provide Prop_NoTeleport and Prop_NoSummon to this room so players can't access it. Make your captain have a Prop_SafePet, as an extra precaution (and to keep him from being counted as the base-area population).
- If you don't want a caravan to be attacked, there are three ways to do this. You can set the caravan's Is unattackable flag to TRUE. You could give the caravan Prop_SafePet. Or you could grant every mob on the caravan Prop_SafePet. The first two methods are the best, overall.
- Caravans are basically miniature areas. As such, players enjoy seeing custom decorations, loot, and other scenery on the caravan. Try to add a little uniqueness to each caravan.
- Once you have your captain (MOB with SAILOR behavior with peacemover), you caravan will try to escape your build room. To avoid this, have an archon with SYSMSGS on in the build room or prop_ReqNoMOB on the area(s) that the room leads to (and probably the area the room is in, if that is different). You can also land-lock your caravan room by making adjacent rooms non-traversable room types (like water rooms, mountains or in-the-air).
- It is best to keep the primary exits from rooms in a FOREWARD/BACK directions for future compatibility. Having exits to the LEFT or RIGHT are fine for internal rooms, but the bench should always be most FOREWARD, and the main exit should be most BACK.
- If you IMPORT a caravan and save it in a room, you must enter the caravan itself and modify some internal aspect of it before it will establish it's "gangplank" primary exit to the existing room the caravan is traveling through. Otherwise the internal area won't link externally, and entry into the caravan will be one-way.
- Unlike sailing ships, caravans don't have their own independent locomotion. In order for a caravan to move, it must be pulled by a mountable GenMob (hereby referenced as a HORSE). The horse must be attached to the GenCaravan with a GenGangline. If the horse doesn't have enough strength to pull that weight of a caravan, multiple horses can be mounted together with multiple GenGanglines.
- For this reason, it is highly recommended that sellers of caravans also sell Ganglines and/or horses, or are located near a vendor that sells those commodities.