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(Created page with "=Combined Remort List= This is the original implementation of the Achievements list. It is currently incomplete, containing only mage...")
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|  Commoner
|  Commoner
|  60
|  60
|  Quick Crafting IV Expertise at level 15
|  Quick Crafting V Expertise at level 15
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Revision as of 17:26, 5 December 2015

Combined Remort List

This is the original implementation of the Achievements list. It is currently incomplete, containing only mage and commoner remort achievements, but was very time-intensive to produce.

Achievement Arch-Type Level Rewards Title
Artisan Past Life I Commoner 30 Butchering Skill at level 1
Artisan Past Life II Commoner 30 Quick Crafting Expertise at level 3
Artisan Past Life III Commoner 30 Carpentry Skill at level 5
Artisan Past Life IV Commoner 30 Quick Crafting II Expertise at level 7
Artisan Past Life V Commoner 30 Blacksmithing Skill at level 9
Artisan Past Life VI Commoner 30 Quick Crafting III Expertise at level 11
Artisan Savant Past Life I Commoner 60 Quick Crafting IV Expertise at level 13 Title: *, the Artisan Savant
Artisan Savant Past Life II Commoner 60 Quick Crafting V Expertise at level 15
Prodigal Artisan Past Life I Commoner 90 Lite Crafting I Expertise at level 17
Prodigal Artisan Past Life II Commoner 90 Lite Crafting II Expertise at level 19 Title: Prodigal Artisan *
Gaoler Past Life I Commoner 30 Body Piercing Skill at level 1
Gaoler Past Life II Commoner 30 Lethal Crafting I Expertise at level 3
Gaoler Past Life III Commoner 30 Handcuffing Skill at level 5
Gaoler Past Life IV Commoner 30 Lethal Crafting II Expertise at level 7
Gaoler Past Life V Commoner 30 Torturesmithing Skill at level 9
Gaoler Past Life VI Commoner 30 Durable Crafting I Expertise at level 11
Gaoler Savant Past Life I Commoner 60 Train +1 Title: *, the Gaoler Savant
Gaoler Savant Past Life II Commoner 60 Train +1
Prodigal Gaoler Past Life I Commoner 90 Resistance to Justice +10%
Prodigal Gaoler Past Life II Commoner 90 Slave Trading Skill at level 19 Title: Prodigal Gaoler *