Build 5.9.4

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CoffeeMud Version 5.9.4

Released on Aug 03, 2016

  1. Qualify now shows language limits
  2. New Prop_NoTeleport exceptions
  3. ALIAS commands now supports "noecho" prefix to prevent echos.
  4. New property: Prop_HereEnabler, like the other Prop_Here* and Prop_*Enabler props.
  5. New Archon ability: Matrix Possess
  6. Common Skills now support INFO argument to get info on recipe items.
  7. New Area type: SubThinInstance, for making thin instance clones of existing areas.
  8. EQUIP LONG now shows all items being worn and tattoos, even at other layers.
  9. CoffeeMud now supports Twitter. See the end of the Installation Guide.
  10. Prop_StatTrainer has new parameter: BASEVALUE, for making it more flexible.
  11. Prop_StatAdjuster has new parameter: ADJMAX, for giving mobs more POWAH!
  12. New Spell: Spell_Planeshift, for going to other planes of existence
  13. Prop_AbsorbDamage has several new parameters, and can now effect rooms/areas
  14. Clerics and Druids also get planar travelling spells: Plane Walking and Planar Travel
  15. New racial ability for horse-like races: Buck
  16. Achievements command has lots of new options
  17. The Skills Report on the Statistics MUDGrinder page can now group by name, type, domain.
  18. New Achievement trigger, FACTIONS (with an S), for counting groups of factions.
  19. Several new REMORTRETAIN options for expanding or fine tuning the remort process.
  20. New Dragonbreath parameters and types
  21. Races and Clan Governments now support parameters for granted abilities.
  22. New internal mob saving throws (more damage mitigators/enhancers), including weapon types.
  23. Bunch of new races for the outer planes.
  24. New Thief Skills: Superstitious, Rope Swing, Improved Boarding, Locate Alcohol, Hold Your Liquor
  25. Papermaking now supports containers, for gift bags, paper sacks, etc.
  26. MORGUE/DEATH/BODY/START rooms support levels and masks now.
  27. The Swim skill, when used as a racial ability, does not have a usage cost any more.
  28. Lassos and Nets no longer do physical damage
  29. Internal DB: CMCLAS field in CMCHAR table expanded to 250 chars. An optional DB upgrade!
  30. New ZapperMasks: +ISHOME -ISHOME, for masking mobs who are away from their areas
  31. Prop_*Adjuster now supports multiplying values, see help on Prop_HaveAdjuster
  32. Concierge behavior can now create portals if you want.
  33. Stolen property (property taken from a home or owned ship) cannot be sold to shopkeepers.
  34. New config option and Command: NOBATTLESPAM, for getting only damage summaries.
  35. New auto-diseases: Sea Sickness, Scurvy
  36. Sailing Ship now have TENDER command to extend gangplanks between peaceful ships
  37. New Skills: Sea Legs, Ride the Rigging, Belay, Buried Treasure, Wenching
  38. New Skills: Treasure Map, Walk the Plank, Sea Mapping, Plunder, Sea Charting
  39. New Skills: Dead Reckoning, Sea Navigation, Scuttle, Fence Loot, Pet Spy
  40. New Skills: Pirate Familiar, Pub Contacts, Combat Repairs, Foul Weather Sailing
  41. New Skills: Pay Off, Pet Steal, Merchant Flag, Pieces of Eight, Articles
  42. New Skills: Ramming Speed, Smuggler's Hold, Hide Ship, Intercept Ship, Await Ship
  43. New Skills: Mast Shot, Warning Shot, Silent Running, Water Tactics, Trawling
  44. New Skills: Diving, Siege Weapon Specialization, Deep Breath, Avoid Currents
  45. If it's not already obvious, new char class in beta: Pirate
  46. Internal: Web Server upgraded to rev 2.4 (SSL fixes and Protocol switching)
  47. Mundane STAT command now supports HEALTH, RESISTS, ATTRIBUTES
  48. New Spell: Lighthouse
  49. DAYSCLANOVERTHROW separated from DAYSCLANDEATH -- see INI file.
  50. New Skills: Naval Tactics, Salvaging, Sea Maneuvers, Crows Nest, Hire Crewmember
  51. New Skills: Morse Code, Stowaway
  52. Can now LIST AREATYPES
  53. Individual diseases can now be disabled from the DISABLE= entry in the INI file.
  54. New Commoner class in beta: Sailor
  55. Patroller now works with Sailing Ships.
  56. New CONFIG option: TELNET-GA, and CONFIG command can now be used to toggle them all.
  57. New Expertises: Ranged Sailing, Reduced Sailing, Power Sailing, Extended Sailing
  58. New Achievements for Pirate, Sailor, and Mer