Build 5.9.3

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CoffeeMud Version 5.9.3

Released on May 08, 2016

  1. Follower behavior now has a few more options.
  2. STAT [MOBNAME] will now give full editor stats also, and
  3. STAT [ITEMNAME/AREANAME/EXITNAME/ROOMNAME] now gives editor stats without editing
  4. New Locales: WaterSurfaceColumn and UnderWaterColumnGrid, and Salt water varieties.
  5. LIST TIMEZONES can now show all your areas grouped by common calendar.
  6. Smelting recipes are now editable from MG and CL.
  7. Prop_OpenPassword can now have a language qualifier
  8. LIST AREA SHOPS will now show local shop inventories with prices
  9. Archon QUESTS [QUEST NAME] and LIST QUESTWINNERS can now show all winners of quests.
  10. New CHANNEL flag: NOLANGUAGE, to turn off foreign languages when using the channel.
  11. LIST QUESTNAMES can show a map between quest names (ids) and display names.
  12. LIST ABILITYDOMAINS will show a list of, well, ability domains
  13. ID on private property will now show size and features, as will VIEW of titles on shopkeepers.
  14. Scripting trigger matches P syntax now truly is Precise (noteable bug fix).
  15. Conquerable will now transfer private property to conqueror, see new OWNERSHIP flag.
  16. Prop_Lot*ForSale and Prop_RoomPlus now support grid-connecting the walls of rooms for looping.
  17. New Scriptable commands: MPOLOADSHOP and MPMLOADSHOP, and funcs: SHOPHAS, SHOPITEM, NUMITEMSSHOP
  18. New Achievements trigger: CLASSLEVELSGAINED -- several more achievements that use it also.
  19. MudChat now supports talking spontaneously on a schedule, and responses may contain scriptable funcs.
  20. Trailto now accepts full tracking flag set as arguments, as well as other new tweek settings
  21. Rules for mixing races can now be tweeked a little. See coffeemud.ini RACEMIXING.
  22. Can now add/edit items directly to shopkeeper inventory from MUDGrinder!!!
  23. New item type: GenSiegeWeapon, for combat between ships
  24. New item type: GenGrapples, for creating a portal between two ship bridges
  25. New behavior: Sailor, for allowing mobs to sail and fight on the big ships
  26. New Common Skill: Siegecraft, for making siege weapons for ship combat
  27. Sailing Ship combat is in beta, see help SAILING and help SHIP COMBAT
  28. New disable flag: FOODROT for disabling the automatic raw food rottability