Build 5.7.2

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CoffeeMud Version 5.7.2

Released on Mar 31st, 2011

  1. New Area Type: StdAutoGenInstance, for creating random area instances based on random area generator
  2. Player WHERE now displays a more informative table
  3. AREAS command now has sorting options.
  4. LISTS.INI changed to include weather, sun movement, and hit/damage messages.
  5. Each entry in each list inside LISTS.INI can now hold numerous variable entries for variety now! See the file for examples.
  6. MUDGrinder File Manager now has resizeable text area, and will let you choose which filesystem to save your file to (local/vfs/both)
  7. Forums are now compatible with SMTP mailing lists.. including very simple threading. If performance is good, why not move Yahoo groups to one?
  8. When using account system, account creation proceeds directly to new character creation.
  9. I3/Intermud3 now supports finger (through WHOIS), and will auto-restart if pinging the router is no longer responsive after an hour.
  10. MUDGrinder now has a Ability Components editor
  11. Can now delete a journal entirely from the MUDGrinder; also Clan Journals should clear out correctly when Clans are deleted.
  12. Can now DISABLE the Java-coded races or classes from the DISABLE entry in the INI file. Quick way to drop the stock classes or races!
  13. Skill Recipes now have components, on MUDGrinder and Command Line