Build 5.4.0

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CoffeeMud Version 5.4.0

Released on Jun 21, 2008:

  1. Internal: Command execution now knows some circumstances surrounding that execution.
  2. Internal: Environmental objects now hold internal MOBPROG Scripts.
  3. New Command: AUTORUN - a player will always be running around
  4. New Command: QUESTS - for listing, getting details on, and dropping saved quests
  5. WILLQUALIFY Command now accepts skill-types parameter
  6. Snoop/AS no longer functions for TELL receptions, TELL last and EMAIL reads
  7. Consider command can now be used to recommend healing for friendlies.
  8. New Command: Catalog, for managing mob/item catalog lists, and item auto-drop tables
  9. AFFECTS/AUTOAFFECTS can now be used by admins on a specified target.
  10. RESET command now supports REJUV parameter
  11. CREATE command directly supports catalog items/mobs
  12. GO command now supports OUT parameter
  13. Can now modify player clans/deities
  14. Internal: Scripting engine removed from Behavior to Common class, Scriptable is now a wrapper
  15. New Grinder Editor: Deities
  16. New Grinder Editor: Factions
  17. New Grinder Editor: CharClasses
  18. New Grinder Editor: Socials
  19. New Grinder Editor: AutoTitles
  20. New Grinder Editor: Catalog (mobs, items, item auto-drops)
  21. New Grinder Editor: Polls
  22. New Grinder Editor: Holidays
  23. New Grinder Editor: Races
  24. New Grinder Editor: GenAbilities
  25. Packages/Bundles now better preserve unique resources
  26. New Property: Prop_ItemNoRuin (purpose self explanatory :)
  27. Old Questmaker templates reworked and renamed Competitive
  28. Several new QuestMaker templates for persistant quests that players can complete at leisure.
  29. QuestManager now supports temporary Enable/Disable of quests
  30. Journal Browser now supports searches, and list ALL entries
  31. Internal: Languages now implement Language interface, StdLanguage base class
  32. GenCharClasses, Races, Abilities can now have custom HELP entries
  33. New Paladin aura: Purity
  34. New Archon skill: Stinkify
  35. Quests now have friendly display names, ability to run indefinitely, new STEP BACK and GIVE SCRIPT commands
  36. Default Prompt is now in the INI file
  37. Player image paths reimplemented to be more ZMUD friendly
  38. Expiration times are now in the INI file
  39. New Race: Svirfneblin
  41. New Script cmds: MPSCRIPT, MPREJUV
  42. List command now supports parameters for list LOG to lessen the load
  43. Unlike prices, bugs are (hopefully) in decline.