Build 5.2.1

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CoffeeMud Version 5.2.1

Released on Sep 09, 2006

  1. New scriptable function: Math
  2. INI entried PLAYERDEATH and FLEE have a new option "OUT" for making folks go unconscious. You can also include your own math fomulas for exp loss, and they both let you include multiple penalties now.
  3. New INI entry: MOBDEATH -- technically the same options as the other two, but I only mention OUT and DEATH.
  4. START_, MORGUE_, and DEATH_ rooms can now include class entries.
  5. MUDGrinder now includes a player editor under the Player Manager.
  6. Scriptable STAT/GSTAT/MPGSET/etc can now include mob state and base-state entries.
  7. A few bugs dutifully informed of their transgression, judged by a ruthless programmer, and sentenced to a quick death.