Build 5.1.4

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CoffeeMud Version 5.1.4

Released on Jun 26, 2006

There was a lot more new stuff in this build than I previously suspected. Mostly tweeks, but enjoy anyway!

The database has *sorta* changed. We were seeing problems with players who use the COLORSET command, and were forced to raise the default size for the CMCOLR field in the database from 50 to 100 chars. If you are using fakedb, don't do anything. If you are using a real database, you should make this change manually to the CMCHAR table if you can.

  1. New Archon Skill: RECORD
  2. Several new Neutrality Chants: Natural Communion, Star Gazing, Deep Thoughts, and Plant Self
  3. Educations have been renamed to Expertises -- there are new ones in the works, but not quite ready...
  4. Behavior ResourceOverride can now be applied to Areas.
  6. New Scriptable Functions: EXP, NUMPCSAREA
  7. More New Scritpable stuff: $c, $C codes.
  8. POSSESS command will carry your security flags with you if done while SYSMSGS are on (see HELP POSSESS)
  10. New Thief Skills: Conceal Item, Silent Drop
  11. New Specialization: STAFF_SPECIALIZATION (given to Druids)
  12. Several new MXP images (thanks Nic!)
  13. New Command Line Clan Editor
  14. Clans can now empart a Character Class to those who join it, as well as a specifyable position (member, enchanter, etc).
  15. Common Skills now show % done to the player.
  16. Properties that give magic for worn items can be set to disable themselves when multi-layer enabled (to prevent abuse)
  17. CoffeeMud.ini DISABLE flag can now include MXP, MSP, CLASSTRAINING, NEWPLAYERS
  18. Missing HELP entries can now be channeled to the log or their own file. Also, an unmatched HELP command will now give a HELPLIST on the word.
  19. Several SHELL commands now support -R switch for recursive deleting, copying, whatever. Also, new MOVE shell command.
  20. Can now CREATE USER (Players) from the command line.
  21. New GenBelt item, and newbies get a real-live sheath in their OUTFIT now.
  22. New? Item GenBook (not really new, just stolen from the snippets upload -- thanks!)
  23. New container type: footwear
  24. The Nessness behaviors (Mageness, Fighterness, Druidness, etc..) now alter HP and stats of mobs to reflect class.
  25. Expertise macros added for the web site.
  26. Skills which are prereqs for other skills will now list that fact in the help files.
  27. New Database flag in coffeemud.ini file: DBREUSE, for those having trouble with MySQL in Windows XP.
  28. New Channels INFO flag for the ini file: WARRANTS
  29. Dadgummit! I laid down for core for a player/clan debt system and never used it anywhere. Ugh...
  30. For convenience, several references added to the Guides section: Reference.html
  31. New DEBUG flag: DBROOMPOP
  32. Guides were mostly cosmetically redone. Thanks for this donation!
  33. So many bugs were fixed, it would hurt us both to list them.