Build 4.6.2

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CoffeeMud Version 4.6.2

Released on Sep 17, 2004 8:19 PM

  1. New Archon command: AS. If used properly, can provide the means for maintaining player inventories, as well as player bank accounts.
  2. Special damage message for attacks which do no/negative damage.
  3. THROWing a non-weapon item at another mob provokes circumstantially, but does no damage.
  4. New Misc Magic item types: StdPowder, GenPowder. A magic item which emparts its affects only when thrown on a target.
  5. Spelled-up Weapons, Potions, Pills, Scrolls, etc.. all cast their spells at the level of the item involved instead of the target or user.
  6. MudChat can now accept, as a parameter, the name of it's chat.dat file to use.
  7. Scriptable CHANGE!! MPEXP no longer grants exp to entire group!
  8. Rebuke no longer requires one to be in the same room.
  9. Players served by vassals get/lose their exp ONLY if they are online at the time.
  10. New Archon command: metacraft
  11. Internal: StdAbility overrideMana() can now be coded to take percentages of mana/hp/move instead of flat amount. See Spell_Gate for how to take 90% of someones mana per use.
  12. Patroller now supports rideable items.
  13. Deaths now recorded by WIZINFO
  14. New Property: PROP_NEWDEATHMSG
  15. New Command: FORMATION, for setting the range of group members.
  16. New Disease: BLAHS -- can be caught by those who remain idle for more than 3 hours.
  17. New RESET parm: AREAINSTALL -- for adding behaviors/props to all your areas at the same time.
  18. New Behavior: BEHAVIOR_WEATHERAFFECTS -- an expension of PUDDLEMAKER with some added benefits. This behavior is where all other weather affects will eventually be implemented.
  19. New Items: StdLimb, GenLimb -- for now, only supports the creation of false limbs (glass eyes, wooden legs) by the common skills for those with amputated parts. Will eventually do more.
  20. And, as always, LOTS and LOTS of bugs fixed!