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CoffeeMud Version

Released on Apr 7, 2003 9:42 am

  1. A dozen or so new Prayers
  2. Cleric subclasses are DONE: Templar, Doomsayer, Shaman, Oracle, Necromancer, Missionary, Purist, and Healer
  3. New ShopKeeper type: CLAND_SELLER -- only sells to clans (not to individuals)
  4. You now sit AT a table, not ON one (duh...)
  5. Bugs fixed in Arrest/Handcuff
  6. New common skill: FARMING
  7. Internationalization of CoffeeMud has gone through a proof of concept phaze. New Scripts utility to handle translation. New INI file entries specify which of a set of scripts files locates in your resources directory to use. So far, only the class has been done. That might be all I'll ever do, hoping on help from others to do the rest. :)
  8. New/old command: BEACON. Allows you to change your start room, or to change the start room of someone else.
  9. The DESTROY command now understands ALL all. and .1, .2, .3 ..etc
  10. You can EXPORT room, area, or world items, mobs, weapons, or armor into SPECIAL CMARE files.
  11. You can now IMPORT items/mobs from the special item/mob CMARE files into your current room.
  12. MERGE command as discussed above.
  13. StdJournal and GenJournals can now have READ and WRITE requirements specified instead of using the level of the item alone. See the Archon's Guide for more info on how to do this.
  14. New property Prop_RoomsForSale allows you to sell a set of adjacent rooms as a group instead of individually.