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CoffeeMud Version

Released on Mar 13, 2003 5:44 pm

  1. Create [new] form of the create command is gone. Replaced with the Copy command. Create still works in its other forms, however.
  2. Copy command allows creation of multiples!
  3. Fixed bugs in the new START room parameters!
  4. The new Cogniportive spell for making title's into transport wands.
  5. ShopKeepers can now cast spells on items you are wielding/holding.
  6. Arrest now has 4 levels of parole as a sentence.
  7. Public nudity can now be against the law.
  8. Walking around armed can now be against the law.
  9. Cityguards now dispense threats and warnings, instead of the judge.
  10. Public inebriation can now be against the law.
  11. Lots of bugs in Sneaking fixed.
  12. Spells cast on items now no longer save with the item. Spells added using the CREATE or MODIFY or MUDGRINDER still save though.
  13. Fixed bugs that made the order death/end of combat and fleeing occurred work correctly.
  14. Can now sneak past room/exit requirements unless NOSNEAK parameter included.
  15. NUMEROUS new Specialist Mage classes. Specialist-only spells are next in line.
  16. RACE entry now in the guide, and Classes updated.
  17. New Prayers added, and Cleric balanced out a bit.
  18. Bugs in I3 fixed.
  19. New I3 command replaces MUDLIST and I3CHANNELS, and adds others.