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=CoffeeMUD Administrator Information=
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CoffeeMud Version

Released on Feb 24, 2003

  1. Added I3STATE INI file entry to get a more accurate display of your muds status on the I3 mud list.
  2. Added VIEW command for shopkeepers.
  3. ShopKeepers, Money Changers, and Bankers will give change as change bags. They will now consolodate their change bags with any you already have in your inventory. ShopKeepers will now also accept money directly from change bags for purchases!!!
  4. Changed the ^^ color code (stop reverse) to ^.
  5. Made ^^ a code for inserting a "^" into text
  6. About a gazillion bug fixes, including the shopkeeper translation bug.
  7. Implemented the SubClass notions mentioned previously. Two Database changes, both in CMCHAR: CMLEVL is now a string (50) and CMCLAS is now a longer string (200).
  8. Extended the TRAIN command to gain new classes. When a new class is gained, the user will start off level 0 of that class. They must level to become level 1 in their new class. They retain all previous skills, and qualification access to all previous class skills.
  9. Added some new INI entries: CLASSSYSTEM (to choose between a multi-class, subclass, or a straight one-class system), PLAYERKILL (to make playerkilling always on, never on, or optional), PLAYERDEATH (to make the death of a user cost a level, experience, or their players very soul), and EXPRATE - to change Poet's experience bonus/penalty rate.