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(Created page with "{{ExpertiseTemplate|Name=Aqualist|Requires=A skill of type: Freezing. Only highest class levels greater than or equal to 31. A base wisdom of at least 13. |Description=The...")
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{{ExpertiseTemplate|Name=Aqualist|Requires=A skill of type: FreezingOnly highest class levels greater than or equal to 31. A base wisdom of at least 13.  |Description=The ability to deal more damage from magical cold and ice attacks|Cost=1 train}}
This expertise adds to the effectiveness or damage of freezing abilitiesThe prime requisite stat is Wisdom due to the mental discipline required to effectively channel freezing attacks.
The following abilities are affected by this expertise:
<div style="column-count:4;-moz-column-count:4;-webkit-column-count:4">
<categorytree hideroot="true" namespaces="-">Expertise(Aqualist)</categorytree>

Latest revision as of 18:20, 14 July 2022

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Requires: A skill of type: Freezing. Only highest class levels greater than or equal to 31. A base wisdom of at least 13.
Description: The ability to deal more damage from magical cold and ice attacks
Flags: X1
Level Requirements: 31
Cost: 1 train Total Ranks: 10
Skills: A skill of type: Freezing. Only highest class levels greater than or equal to 26+5*RANK. Stats: A base wisdom of at least 12+RANK.

This expertise adds to the effectiveness or damage of freezing abilities. The prime requisite stat is Wisdom due to the mental discipline required to effectively channel freezing attacks.


The following abilities are affected by this expertise:

