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=CoffeeMUD Builder Information=
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Targets: MOBs
Parameters: aggression flags (MESSAGE="msg") aggression masks
Examples: +elf -fighter

message="All must die!!" -elf +fighter MOBKILL MISBEHAVE +elf -fighter

Description: Makes the mob attack any player mob it can detect in the same room, from the moment the new mob enters. Horribly wounded mobs are not aggressive. Mobs will also not be aggressive towards Archons and builders with the CMDMOBS security flag.If no other parameters are given, the mob will attack anyone.

Valid aggressive masks include:

message=(msg) something for the mob to say whenever he's fixing to attack

delay=x (makes the mob delay x ticks before looking for a victim)

mobkill (makes this behavior attack mobs as well as players)

nogang (makes this behavior pass over players already in combat)

misbehave (makes this mob attack even when wounded or a follower)

checklevel (makes this mob attack only those within 5 levels below him)

See AHELP ZAPPERMASK, where allowed is aggressed, and disallowed is spared.


  • It is worth noting that aggressive mobs with mobility may be more difficult, and builders should consider adding Prop_ModExperience with a +25% modifier.