XAMM(Client Addon)

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A sample output in MUDlet with XAMM installed.
MUDlet with XAMM.

The File:XAMM.zip package is an add-on for MUDlet developed by Xanthia for use by CoffeeMUD players.

From the developer

Here's the current version that I am actively using myself. It is definitely not finished yet. The steps to install this on MUDlet are:

Toolbox > Package Manager > Generic_mapper - Remove 1 Package

Very important that you REMOVE the default mapper. XAMM overrides it, and does not live nicely with the default mapper

Toolbox > Package Manager > Install new package - XAMM.mpackage

Sign into coffeemud.net and start using XAMM

That's it!

There should be a few prompts that come up when XAMM detects a fresh installation (if it detects the default prompt in the game)

If it does not, force XAMM integration by entering the following when in the game:

xamm set prompt

Be sure to say "y" to set the XAMM prompt which has data that the UI captures.


Mapping works, but not AUTOMAPPING. I use XAMM for manual mapping, with great success and totally makes my bardic life so much easier.

Basic commands to get started:

map show (shows the map window)

map update on (detects if you are in a new area without map data, creates area map if it does not exist(

map update off (immediately turn off auto updating, so that you can cleanly add map data manually)

m n

m s

m e

m w

(adds a new room in the direction specified)

That's the gist of manual mapping with XAMM. There are more functions that work and I will probably doc it soon. Or read the code in the XAMM package.