White Mushroom(Chapel)
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===White Mushroom=== | |||
Weight: | 1 | Item Level: | 10 |
Container Material: | Food/Drink Material: | Mushrooms | |
Number of Uses: | 1 | Nurishment per Use: | 200 |
Base Value: | 5 | Area: | Chapel |
Has a Lid (Y/N): | N | Has a Lock (Y/N): | N |
Is Magical (Y/N)?: | N | Magic Level: | |
Is Invisible (Y/N)? | N | Is Hidden (Y/N)?: | N |
Is Glowing (Y/N)?: | N | Is a Light Source (Y/N)?: | N |
Stored Ability: | |||
Other Affects: | |||
Is Crafting Learnable (Y/N)?: | N | Crafting Skill/Level: |
You don't see anything special about a white mushroom