Thief SilentGold

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===Silent AutoGold===
Domain: Stealing
Available: Burglar(15) Thief(16)
Allows: Theft Mastery
UseCost: Mana (65)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: silentgold
Description: This command is similar to the AUTOGOLD command, which allows a player to automatically take gold from the corpse of a defeated monster. If the player is in a group when AUTOGOLD is used, the gold is evenly distributed among the players. SILENTGOLD, like AUTOGOLD, is toggled on and off. When on the thief will automatically, and without anyone knowing, take 10% of a defeated monsters gold. This will work regardless of whether the thief played any part in the defeat of the monster, or is even a member of the group which defeated the monster. Also, the gold taken is "off the top" of any gold which may be obtained while the thief is part of a group.

