Thief MinorTrap

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===Lay Minor Traps===
Domain: Trapping
Available: Jester(6)
Allows: Trapping
UseCost: Mana (28) Movement (28)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Items Exits Rooms
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: mtrap list

mtrap east noise mtrap chest needle

Description: The thief attempts to lay some sort of trap upon the item, door, room, entryway, or container specified. The trap may be gaseous, needles, blades, or pits, and may be triggered by unlocking, opening, getting, or moving through in the case of entryways, or entering in the case of rooms. The thief who sets the trap may not trigger the trap. The number of traps available to the thief will go up as the thief advances in level, so trap list may be used to see what new traps are available as the thief advances. Not all traps may be set on all items, however. Lay Minor traps only allows a small subset of the traps avaiailable from the full Lay Traps skill. Traps are temporary, but reset if sprung after a time. Setting the same trap on the same object will reset the trap early.


  • MOBs don't often interact with containers, so trapping containers is only useful against players flagged for playerkill or on your own property.