Steading of the Hill Giants

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===Steading of the Hill Giants===
Description: Part 1 of "Against the Giants". The raids along travelled roads have been sporadic but are increasing. Hill giants are a rowdy bunch, but it is unusual for them to be so overtly aggressive toward the surrounding areas. Their steading is filled with plenty of drinking and merriment, but outsiders are not welcome. Exploring their lower levels reveals a concerted effort to imprison vast numbers of various races. But driven by what cause, and to what end?
Author: Rolindar (coffeemudified by Din) Currency: Copper
Rooms: 159 Population: 144
LevelRange: 1-38 MedianLevel: 29
AvgAlign: pure evil MedAlignment: pure evil
Economy: This area uses COPPER BITS as the primary currency.
Languages: GIGANTIC is spoken here.
Recommendation: Recommended for levels 25 to 38.

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