Spell CEqAcid

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===ClanEnchant Acid===
Domain: Enchantment/Charm
UseCost: Mana (all)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Items
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: CAST, CA, C
Examples: cast "clanenchant acid" breastplate 5

cast "clanenchant acid" breastplate 5 "my clan"

Description: When cast on an item, this spell will use up some of the clan's experience (how much depends on power put into the casting) to magically enhance the item with ACID magic. For what the different types of effects are, see HELP CLAN EQUIPMENT.


  • The maximum level you can clanenchant gear is your clan level. This will not affect the level of the item.
  • The maximum effective level a player may get from an item is limited by the items clanenchantment level and the player's level. Giving a dagger with 10 levels of clanenchantment to a level 1 player will no longer produce astounding results.