Slayer Achievements (Player)

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=Account Achievements= =Player Achievements=
Questing     Class         Other
Mage Remort     Commoner Remort     Thief Remort     Fighter Remort     Bard Remort     Druid Remort     Cleric Remort     Combined Remort List
Slayer     World Explorer     Attribute     Crafting    Activity     Questing     Class Other

Slayer Achievements

Slayer achievements are attained when a character completes a set amount of kills of a particular type of MOB, be it of a specified level, race, alignment, name, class or some other parameter or combination of parameters.

Achievement Kill Count Slayer Parameters Title Reward
Dragon Slayer 200 Level>20, Race=Dragon *, Dragon Slayer
Cat Hater 1000 Racial Category=Feline *, Cat Hater
Exterminator 500 Racial Category=Insect, Arachnid, or Rodent *, Exterminator