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===Unspoken Obligations===
Start: Adept of Uurdin in Mud School, or by accepting the TASK from the lady in the coach that wanders Midgaard.
Availability: Any. Repeatable: No
Objective: You must visit various citizens of Midgaard and recover some "obligations".
Reward: 1 Quest Point, some experience, some alignment.


This is basically a "Getting to know Midgaard" quest. Find the following 10 people in Midgaard, ask them the pass-phrase, collect the obligations and put them in the box. Then follow the instructions from the shadowy voice.

  • If someone is refusing to give an obligation, make sure that you haven't already put that obligation in your box.
  • Your reward may vary based on decisions you make during this quest.
  • You should be speaking in COMMON when interacting with quest mobs.