Prop RoomsForSale

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Effect: Putting a cluster of rooms up for sale
Targets: Room
Examples: 1000000

The Bob Clan/1000000

Description: Makes this room part of a group of rooms available for purchase by a player. The rooms will be sold as a group by the shopkeeper. If you have more than one group of rooms for sale, they MUST be separated by at least one room which is not for sale, otherwise both groups will be considered one. See Prop_RoomForSale for more information on sold rooms and the flags.

When property is sold, it will be listed as the owner with a slash and the price. Entering this sort of parameter directly is the quick way to give players or clans property.

See also Prop_ReqCapacity for the means to set limits on players building abilities on their property.


  • Each room in the property should have the same cost, which is the total cost for purchasing all rooms in the group.
    • Example: If you have a 5-room grouping, and each room is valued at 100,000, then the vendor will sell all 5 rooms for 1 cost of 100,000 (modified by charisma and abilities).