Prop MoveRestrictor

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Effect: Moving restrictor
Targets: MOBs, Rideables
Parameters: (CHANCE="NUMBER 0-100")


Examples: nolocales="WOODS,SWAMP" message="<S-NAME> will not enter!" public=true
Description: According to the given percentage CHANCE (default 100%), this property restricts the ability of a mob or rideable to enter rooms of a particular spec. NODOMAINS can list the types of rooms that cannot be entered, whereas ONLYDOMAINS lists the types of rooms that can be entered, restricting all others. Both are comma-delmited lists. Indoor DOMAINS include: STONE, WOODEN, CAVE, MAGIC, and METAL. Outdoor DOMAINS include: CITY, WOODS, ROCKY, PLAINS, UNDERWATER, AIR, WATERSURFACE, JUNGLE, SWAMP, DESERT, HILLS, MOUNTAINS, SPACEPORT, SEAPORT.

NOLOCALES can list the types of rooms that cannot be entered, whereas ONLYLOCALES lists the types of rooms that can be entered, restricting all others. Both are comma-delmited lists. See LIST LOCALES for a list of valid room locale ids.

The SEARCH string allows room restricting based on a key phrase in the potential room title or description. MSEARCH restricts based on mobs in the potential room, and ISEARCH based on items in the potential room.

The MESSAGE parameter allows you to set the string that the person trying to move into the room sees when it is restricted. Use (S-NAME) as a substitute for the persons name. The PUBLIC parameter decides whether everyone sees the message (true), or only the person trying to move (false).

The DISMOUNT will automatically dismount any riders on the affected.

The CAST parameter allows you to cause a spell to be cast upon all the properties mover, or upon all the riders, when they try to enter a room that is restricted.

