Prop ItemBinder

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Effect: Allows an item to be bound to player, account, or clan.
Targets: Items
Examples: TO=CHARACTER ON=PICKUP MESSAGE="Bound -- you can't do that."
Description: Allows an item to be bound when an event occurs to the person, account, or clan that either picks it up or first equips it. Once bound, an item can only be picked up by that same player, account, or clan. The zap message is also configureable.


  • Bind on Pickup will automatically bind on purchase as well, even if the purchaser can't carry the item and it is instead left on the shop floor.
  • A builder handing an Item with Prop_ItemBinder to a shopkeeper for sale may (needs verification) result in the item being bound to the shopkeeper AND sold by the shopkeeper. Therefore, you may wish to take the following steps to manually add an unbound item with Prop_ItemBinder to a shopkeeper's inventory:
    • GOTO shopkeeper room.
      • This is just to make sure you don't mess up the shopkeeper's current inventory. Please ask any players to leave the room before resetting.
    • Create or Drop your desired bound item
    • MODIFY the desired bound item
      • Add the Prop_ItemBinder with the parameters you desire
      • Add the bound to their shop inventory with appropriate sale price
    • Make sure shopkeeper is selling the bound item as desired
    • DESTROY the bound item in the room
    • SAVE ROOM.