Prayer PlanarPilgrimage

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===Planar Pilgrimage===
Domain: Influential
Allows: Influencing
UseCost: Mana (all)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: PRAY, PR
Examples: pray "planar pilgrimage" bob
Description: On behalf of his or her deity, the caster may assign a pilgrimage to another follower of their deity or themselves, once per month, depending on expertise. Each target may only participate in 1 pilgrimage per month. The target will gain a quest to travel to a particular plane of existence, and perform a specific task while there. Upon completion of the task, the target may need to return to the caster to receive the reward of a powerful blessing from the deity, as well as a significant improvement in their relationship with their deity.


  • This ability can only be taught by guildmasters on alternate planes of existence.