Mud School Diploma(MudSchool)

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===Mud School Diploma===
Type: Book Item Level: 3
Readable Text: Table of Contents
1 Equipment
2 Exits
3 Score and Statistics
4 Communication
5 Crawling
6 Swimming
7 Journals
8 Basic Combat
9 Loot and Rest
10 Training
11 Configuration
12 Buying and Selling
13 Light Sources
14 Doors and Locks
Use READ ALL [BOOK] to see missing chapters.
Weight: 3 Material: Hide
Base Value: Area: Mud School
Is Magical (Y/N)?: Y Magic Level:
Is Invisible (Y/N)? N Is Hidden (Y/N)?: N
Is Glowing (Y/N)?: N Is a Light Source (Y/N)?: N
Other Affects: Has the following magical properties:

Affects on the wearer: wis+1 con+1 A Prize

Is Crafting Learnable (Y/N)?: N Crafting Skill/Level:


This document shows that you have graduated from Mud School. A complete listing of lessons you have learned is written inside. Just type READ xx DIPLOMA for a refresher or READ ALL DIPLOMA for a table of contents. It also has magical effects on your abilities if you hold it!
Merc Industries


Equipment check time! Type 'EQUIPMENT' to see your current equipment. Right now, you have just clothes, some rations, a waterskin, and a weapon. As you go through the Mud you will acquire a complete set of equipment.

To pick up items on the ground as you see them, type 'GET'. To wear a piece of armor, type 'WEAR'. To hold a light source, type 'HOLD'. To wield a weapon, type 'WIELD'. To wear, hold, and wield everything you have, type 'WEAR ALL'. To stop using a piece of equipment, type 'REMOVE item'. Finally, to see the items in your inventory, type 'INVENTORY'.


The directions you can go in any room are: north, south, east, west, up, or down. Of course, not all rooms have all exits available.

To see the obvious exits in a room, type 'EXITS'.

Sometimes doors are closed, or locked, or secret. Then you have to notice clues in the room description, or try going into that direction and seeing if you bump into a door.

Score and Statistics

You can see the statistics on yourself by typing 'SCORE'. At higher levels, 'SCORE' gives you more information. You can see any spell affects, poisons, diseases, or other modifiers to your general being by typing 'AFFECT'. If you only want a specific subset of the SCORE, see 'HELP STAT'.


You have made it to the Coffeemud Mud School Communication Class. Welcome, and have a seat. In Coffeemud there are several ways to communicate, but these can be divided into in character(IC) and out of character(OOC). The IC commands include 'SAY', 'WHISPER', and 'YELL'. SAY and WHISPER only work for talking to other characters in the room. SAY will allow everyone in the room to hear what you have to say, and can be directed to a particular person by typing 'SAY <name>'. WHISPER only allows your target (or yourself if no target is specified) to hear the message. YELLing allows everyone in the same room as you, as well as any adjacent rooms, to hear you. Their are two kinds of OOC communications: CHANNELS and TELLs. To see all of the available CHANNELS type CHANNELS. To send a message over a channel, simply type the channel name followed by your message, for example NEWBIE Hello world! would display a message to everyone in the game that said 'Hello World!' If you are tired of hearing messages on a particular channel, you can turn it off by typing a NO before the channel name as one word, for example NONEWBIE would disable the NEWBIE channel. TELL is a directed communication that goes to a single person. You can find out who is all online at the time by typing WHO. You may only TELL to players that are currently online, but it is possible to TELL to players on other muds that support I3 communication by using TELL@myfriendsmud. Other communication commands that you may be interested in include QUIET, IGNORE, and FRIENDS.


Sometimes, you have to squeeze through a small space to get through. To do so, you must 'CRAWL'. Crawling is slower than normal movement between rooms, and one cannot FLEE through a crawl space.


If you have the SWIM skill, you can attempt to travel through water rooms by typing 'SWIM'. If you fail your swim skill, you may start to drown and sink below the water level. If you are drowning, you will lose health until you get to a breathable room, such as by swimming up until you hit the surface.


Welcome to the reading room. Coffeemud has many forms of communication, and one of them is the use of journals. On the floor is a beginner journal. GET the journal and READ it by typing READ <journal name>. You will see the table of contents of the journal. To read a particular message in the journal, type READ <message#> <journal name>". After reading the message you will be given a prompt on what action you wish to take, such as replying to the message. If you wish, you can create your own entry into the journal by typing WRITE <journal name>. Don't be concerned if it takes you many times to get it right. Eventually, your ability to write will increase with your WRITING skill. When you write a message, you have the option of making it private (to only ONE person), or public. Once you have selected the recipients, write a message title, and then you may input your message. Journals with new messages in them will periodically let everyone know that new messages are available, but it's normally best to check each journal when you log in. New messages, or new message threads, will be denoted by an '*'.

Basic Combat

The first lesson is knowing whom to fight. Use the command 'CONSIDER' to consider killing a monster. Avoid fighting monsters that will kill you easily. To attack a monster, use the 'KILL' command. The second lesson is running away. After encountering a monster you cannot defeat, type 'FLEE' to escape from him. You can also set your character to flee automatically with the 'WIMPY' command. Type 'HELP WIMPY' to find out more about 'WIMPY'. After you flee, you will lose some experience based on the level of monster you fled from (but much, much more experience will be lost if the moster kills you).

Loot and Rest

After you kill each monster, get all of the equipment from their corpses with the command 'GET ALL BODY'. You can then use the command 'WEAR ALL' to wear your newly won equipment.

Between combat, you may need to rest or sleep to regenerate hit points. You can 'REST' (or 'SIT') to regenerate hit points, or you can 'SLEEP'. 'SLEEP' will refresh you faster than 'REST', but you will be less aware of your surroundings. To end your rest, type 'STAND' or to wake up, type 'WAKE'. You can SIT or SLEEP on various furnitures in the mud, as well, by direct commands, 'SIT COT'.


When you gain a level, you can TRAIN your attributes, GAIN new skills and PRACTICE skills with your class trainer (also known as guildmasters) or another player who knows that skill. To TRAIN an attribute, you need enough training sessions. To find out how many training sessions you have, type 'TRAIN'. To train for a specific attribute, type 'TRAIN attr' where attr is the first 3 letters of the attribute you want increased. You can also train to be a new subclass. Type 'HELP TRAIN' for more information on that command. Use 'QUALIFY' to find out about any subclasses you may qualify to train for. To see what skills you will qualify for at higher levels, you can type 'WILLQUAL level classname'.


There are various configurations in coffeemud that will make your life much easier. To find out what all of these wonderful switches are, type CONFIG. Each configuration is either on or off. To toggle it, simply type it's name. For example, if you would like ANSI color, type ANSI to turn it on. If you later decide to turn it off, simply type ANSI again. Some of the more useful CONFIGs include AUTOLOOT, AUTOGOLD, AUTOWEATHER, and AUTOIMPROVEMENT. Use the HELP command followed by the configuration name for more information. For example, for more information on AUTOIMPROVEMENT type HELP AUTOIMPROVEMENT.

If you have ANSI color on, you can adjust your default color settings with the COLORSET command. This will allow you to customize how messages, items, and mobs appear on your screen for best contrast and personal taste. You may also customize your prompt with the PROMPT command. For a complete list of items and customizations for your prompt, type 'HELP PROMPT'.

Buying and Selling

BUY - Buy something from the storekeeper.

LIST - The storekeeper will tell you what's for sale.

VALUE - The storekeeper will tell you how much he will give to you for that item.

VIEW - Find out information on an item for sale.

SELL - Sell that item to the storekeeper.

Shopkeepers are willing to deal in bulk, as well. If you wish to buy 4 flasks of oil, you could type BUY 4 OIL, and the shopkeeper would sell you them, if you have the money. Besides specifying a number, you could put in the parameter ALL, to try to buy or sell all of an item of that type. BUY ALL RATION would result in the shopkeeper selling you as many rations as you can afford (even if you can't carry them all.). Likewise, some shopkeepers will buy all of your goods from you. SELL ALL BRACER would result in the shopkeeper trying to buy each item with the word BRACER in it. If you have multiple items that fit that description, you can use the '$' to end the description string.

For Example: If you have 30 CHAIN SHIRTS, and 1 CHAINMAIL SHIRT, and you want to sell all of the cheaper CHAIN SHIRTS, you would type SELL ALL CHAIN$. In this way, the shopkeeper would only buy items that contain the word CHAIN, not anything longer, like CHAINMAIL.

Light Sources

Some rooms are unlit and completely dark. In these rooms, you must be holding a light source (like a latern or a torch) for it to shine light. If you are holding something else, you may remove it with the REMOVE command, and then HOLD LANTERN. Oh, by the way, you may wish to REMOVE LANTERN and PUT OUT LANTERN in naturally lit rooms. No sense wasting precious oil. If your lantern does run out of oil and you have more oil in your inventory, you can restore the lantern's illuminating abilities by typing FILL LANTERN OIL.

Doors and Locks

To open a door, you can often target it simply by stating OPEN direction, or you could specify the door by name, such as OPEN IRON GATE. If the door has a lock on it, and you have a key, you may UNLOCK direction. You can also CLOSE and LOCK doors to return them to their original states.