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=CoffeeMUD Player Information=
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The maximum stat value (or maxstat) of your six primary stats (Strength, Intelligence, Dexterity, Wisdom, Constitution, and Charisma) is determined by your class and race. The maxstat is used as a limiter for some calculations, so if your stat score exceeds the maxstat score, only the maxstat value will be used for that formula.



  • Spell Critical hit.
  • Spell Critical damage.


  • Melee Critical damage.
  • Ranged Critical damage.




Increasing MAX STAT

Aside from race or class changes, there are few opportunities to improve your maxstat.

  • Some pills are available for increasing maxstat, although each character is limited to receiving the bonus from a particular pill only once. This is considered a permanent increase.
  • Some archon-run competitions may result in an increase to maxstats.
  • Some gear may provide a temporary increase to maxstats.

Temporary MAX STAT increases

Players cannot increase their base stat above their permanent maxstat value. Therefore temporary increases will not allow you to spend additional trains to increase your stat if you were base stat score was already maxed out.

Players CAN gain skills if there base stat and max stat values meet the requirements, even if this is due to a temporary maxstat increase.