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Domain: Building
Available: Abjurer(10) Alterer(10) Arcanist(10) Artisan(1) Assassin(10) Barbarian(10) Bard(10) Beastmaster(10) Burglar(10) Cavalier(10) Charlatan(10) Cleric(10) Conjurer(10) Delver(10) Diviner(10) Doomsayer(10) Druid(10) Enchanter(10) Evoker(10) Fighter(10) Gaian(10) Healer(10) Illusionist(10) Jester(10) Mage(10) Mer(10) Minstrel(10) Missionary(10) Monk(10) Necromancer(10) Ninja(10) Oracle(10) Paladin(10) Pirate(10) Dancer(10) Purist(10) Ranger(10) Reliquist(10) Scholar(10) Shaman(10) SkyWatcher(10) Templar(10) Thief(10) Transmuter(10) Trapper(10) Wizard(10)
Allows: Quick Building Quick Worker Ingenious Engineering Find Home Excavation
UseCost: Movement (35)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Items
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: MASONRY
Examples: masonry wall north

masonry list masonry info wall masonry roof masonry "dark room" masonry title A messy room. masonry desc east This is my favorite Door. masonry desc room This is a messy room. masonry stairs masonry help Bob masonry demolish west masonry demolish room

Description: This skill allows a player to construct a building or other structures on a property the player owns. Walls or Stairs may be built following the construction of roof and framework. This skill also allows the demolition of unwanted walls and structures, upstairs rooms, and the giving of a title and description to a room. The parameters also allow more than one person to assist in a masonry project. All of the structures made with this skill are made of stone. The raw stone for masonry is found using the Digging or Mining skills.


MASONRY LIST will display all available masonry recipes a specific character can make.


  • A WIDE ROOF makes the room larger, increasing movement cost to travel through the room, and increasing the maximum range of indoor combat.
  • Monuments can only be masoned by druids. These serve as catalysts for the Grove Walk chant.
  • Masonry doors all have unique names when looked at, which may reveal the level of the door to any would-be thieves.
    • The door level may affect performance of the door in some fashion, such as lock level, detection ability (for secret doors), or viewability (look door).
  • To connect upstairs to downstairs on a grid property, use the MANHOLE recipe.
  • All upstairs rooms need to be demolished in order to remove the roof from a room and enable it to be outdoors again. This will result in permanently destroying those upstairs rooms.
    • You may wish to sell them first before demolishing them, to get some money back, if you spent money on them.