Light Crafting(Expertise)

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===Light Crafting===
Requires: One of the following skills: Carpentry, Armorsmithing, Master Armorsmithing, Blacksmithing, Cobbling, Costuming, Fletching, Jewel Making, Leather Working, Master Costuming, Master Leather Working, Master Tailoring, Craft Holy Avenger, Craft Unholy Reaver, Scrimshawing, Sculpting, Tailoring, Weaponsmithing, Master Weaponsmithing, Legendary Weaponsmithing, Weaving. Only Archon. A base dexterity of at least 14.
Description: The ability to craft items using less material without sacrificing quality. Items crafted "Light" are a little lighter, and worth a little more in value.
Flags: X1
Level Requirements: 0
Cost: 20 trains Total Ranks: 3
Skills: One of the following skills: Carpentry, Armorsmithing, Master Armorsmithing, Blacksmithing, Cobbling, Costuming, Fletching, Jewel Making, Leather Working, Master Costuming, Master Leather Working, Master Tailoring, Craft Holy Avenger, Craft Unholy Reaver, Scrimshawing, Sculpting, Tailoring, Weaponsmithing, Master Weaponsmithing, Legendary Weaponsmithing, Weaving. Only Archon. Stats: A base dexterity of at least 10+4*RANK.

This expertise is now deprecated. Players who already have this expertise cannot train it any higher, but will maintain the benefit of this expertise. It does not play nice with its replacement expertises:

Crafting Adjectives

Rank Adjective Affect
I Light ??
II Supple ??
III Agile ??


The following abilities are affected by this expertise:

