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CoffeeMUD |
Administrator Builder Player |
=CoffeeMUD Player Information= | |||
Basics | Info Commands Socials Combat Groups | Character | Stats Races Classes Abilities Expertises Achievements |
World | Deities Areas Property Quests Clans Triumphs | Items | Items Crafting Ships |
==Abilities== |
Chants Common Skills Languages Prayers Skills Songs Spells Thief Skills |
Invocation/evocation is the combined school of Magic's of creating or dismissing magic potential to create a desired affect. By INVOKING magic, the caster calls forth a magic potential to create an effect (such as a fireball or a mystical portal). By evoking magic, the mage dismisses magical potential, thereby preventing magical affects or destroying magical items. The opposition school to Invocation/Evocation is Alteration.
Invocation/Evocation Spell
- Acid Fog
- Blademouth
- Chain Lightning
- Cloudkill
- Continual Light
- Darkness
- Darkness Globe
- Delay
- Destroy Object
- Detonate Bombs
- Disenchant Item
- Disenchant Wand
- Disintegrate
- Dispel Divination
- Dispel Magic
- Dragonfire
- Earthquake
- Elemental Storm
- Fireball
- Flameshield
- Floating Disc
- Forceful Hand
- Forked Lightning
- Frost
- Greater Levitate
- Gust of Wind
- Helping Hand
- Ice Lance
- Ice Storm
- Ignite
- Kinetic Pulse
- Knock
- Levitate
- Light
- Lighthouse
- Lightning Bolt
- Limb Rack
- Mass Disintegrate
- Mystic Loom
- Nether Veil
- Planar Burst
- Portal
- Portal Other
- Produce Flame
- Purge Invisibility
- Scribe
- Shield
- Shocking Grasp
- Shockshield
- Shove
- Stinking Cloud
- Ward Area
- Water Burst
- Water Fist
- Web
- Web Touch