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=CoffeeMUD Regions=
Alramia       Calinthia       Dark Continent       Domhan Bol       Ofcollia       Otherworldly       Thalosia       Thera       Tyrithel       Unknown       Ven'rasyl      
Description: The goblin mountains are the nesting area of many goblin tribes. The rugged terrain and numerous tiny caves have made it difficult to entirely eradicate these pests, despite the well known location of their lairs. Many young adventurers have traveled here to prove their mettle, and many heroes have gotten their start from these goblin-hunting expeditions.
Author: Loki Currency: Gold coins (default)
Rooms: 97 Population: 35
LevelRange: 4-7 MedianLevel: 6
AvgAlign: pure evil MedAlignment: pure evil
Economy: The goblins of these mountains are not interested in trade.
Languages: Goblins speak Goblinese.
Recommendation: Recommended for level 6 or higher adventurers, since the goblins often group up for fights.

Useful Items


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  • The hills to the north of Goblin Mountains are normally safe places to gather resources, since the goblins stay in the mountains for safety from the Midgaard patrols.