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Domain: Gathering
Available: Abjurer(10) Alterer(10) Arcanist(10) Artisan(1) Assassin(10) Barbarian(10) Bard(10) Beastmaster(10) Burglar(10) Cavalier(10) Charlatan(10) Cleric(10) Conjurer(10) Delver(10) Diviner(10) Doomsayer(10) Druid(10) Enchanter(10) Evoker(10) Fighter(10) Gaian(11) Healer(10) Illusionist(10) Jester(10) Mage(10) Mer(10) Minstrel(10) Missionary(10) Monk(10) Necromancer(10) Ninja(10) Oracle(10) Paladin(10) Pirate(10) Dancer(10) Purist(10) Ranger(10) Reliquist(10) Scholar(10) Shaman(10) SkyWatcher(10) Templar(10) Thief(10) Transmuter(10) Trapper(10) Wizard(10)
Allows: Composting Quick Working Landscaping Quick Worker Master Farming
UseCost: Movement (35)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Items
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: plant berries

plant bundle 10 berries

Description: This skill allows the player to plant a resource into the ground. The player must place a sample of the resource on the ground first to use as seed. After planting is completed, the resource will be ready to harvest some time later, after the plants have grown. There will be no need to forage them, as the new crop will simply appear in the fields. Most foods with seeds can be grown from the food source, but others may require seeds, such as cotton or hemp, etc. You can also bundle multiple resources together using this skill. The GET command can be used to unbundle such resources. See also the Composting skill.

