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CoffeeMUD |
Administrator Builder Player |
=CoffeeMUD Builder Information= | |||
Basics | Praetor Player Support Commands Zapper Masks | Advanced | Races Classes Abilities Socials Scripting |
Building | Behaviors Properties Areas Rooms Exits Items Mobs | Systems | Achievements Crafting Help Info Ships Planes of Existence Quests Triumphs |
===Emoter=== | |
Targets: | Room, MOBs, Items, Areas |
Parameters: | Flags, Max/Min ticks, pct chance, expires, emote strings, ';' separated. |
Examples: | min=10 max=20 chance=25;wiggles his bottom.;smiles evilly.;burps!
smell chance=25 expires=10;smells horrible!;is really stinky! chance=100 inroom="Here#1,Here#2";looks horrible!;is bad! broadcast sound chance=25;grumbles!;eeeks! min=1 max=2 chance=25;sound grumbles!;visual leers broadly.;social smile |
Description: | This behavior defines a serious of random emotes. All emote strings are separated by the semicolons shown above. The first parameter can be empty for defaults, or may contain a setting for minimum ticks (min=10), maximum ticks (max=20), the percent chance of occurrence after the random number of ticks has expired (chance=25), a total number of occurrences before expiration (expires=0), a list of rooms where the emoter MUST be for the emoter to work (inroom=...), a tag to make the emote sound based (sound), a tag to make the emote smell based (smell), or a tag to make the emote broadcast to adjacent rooms (broadcast). In the first example every 10-20 ticks, there is a 25% chance that the object with this property will select one of the emotes randomly and perform it for all those in the same room who can see it. In the second example, a smell based emote will be performed 25% of the time, but will only emote 10 times before the behavior is removed from the object. In the third example, there is a 100% chance that, if the object is in room Here#1 or Here#2, it will emote one of the two choices. In the fourth example, a sound based emote will be performed 25% of the time in the room of the behavior, and in any adjacent rooms.
You can also mix and match the types of emotes by putting the keywords SIGHT, SMELL, NOISE, and SOCIAL as the first word in each emote string. This denotes the type of emote for the rest of the string. The last example shows how to enter a mixed emote. |
- It is useful to put a (s) at the end of verbs to allow the emoter to match the case of the phrase in the event of name changes or invisibility.