Druid Remort Achievements (Account)

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=Account Achievements= =Player Achievements=
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Mage Remort     Commoner Remort     Thief Remort     Fighter Remort     Bard Remort     Druid Remort     Cleric Remort     Combined Remort List
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Druid Remort Achievements

When a character of level 61 or higher uses the REMORT command, they gain an achievement based on the classes and levels in those classes that they have at the instance before REMORTing. Remort achievements are numbered to display how many times a character must remort at or above the level requirement to gain that achievement (and the associated benefits). All Remort benefits are cumulative, so a level 90 character with 60 levels of druid and 30 levels of beastmaster would gain a druid 30 remort achievement, a druid 60 remort achievement and a beastmaster 30 remort achievement. Remorting a subsequent time in the same class would increment the "Past Life" number, so a player will receive the benefits of "Past Life II" on the next REMORT after receiving the Past Life I achievement from a particular class. The bonuses from each of those achievements are also cumulative, so if two achievements each offer a Damage +1 bonus, then all subsequent characters on the account would gain Damage +2. Skills and Expertises are granted for free at the level indicated in the "Rcv Lvl" column. Skills gained this way begin with a 0% starting proficiency.

Achievement Min Remort Lvl Beastmaster Delver Druid Gaian Skywatcher Rcv Lvl
Past Life I 30 Hit Points +5 Hit Points +5 Hit Points +5 Hit Points +5 Hit Points +5 1
Past Life II 30 Vice Gripping I Deep Lore I Nature Lore I Hardy Plants I Moon Lore I 3
Past Life III 30 Locate Animals Dark Vision Summon Plants Goodberry Moonbeam 5
Past Life IV 30 Unarmed Piercing I Rock Controlling I Shaping I Plant Growing I Weather I 7
Past Life V 30 Fertility Stonewalking Animal Friendship Killer Vine Healing Moon 9
Past Life VI 30 Unarmed Slicing I Preserving I Animalist I Plant Master I Enduring I 11
Savant Past Life I 60 10% Resist Poison 10% Resist Poison 10% Resist Disease 10% Resist Disease 10% Resist Disease 1
Savant Past Life II 60 Constitution +1 Constitution +1 Constitution +1 Constitution +1 Constitution +1 1
Prodigal Past Life I 90 Hit Points +15 Hit Points +15 Hit Points +15 Hit Points +15 Hit Points +15 1
Prodigal Past Life II 90 Maximum Constitution +1 Maximum Constitution +1 Maximum Constitution +1 Maximum Constitution +1 Maximum Constitution +1 1