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Administrator                                                  Builder                                                              Player
=CoffeeMUD Player Information=
Basics Info     Commands     Socials     Combat     Groups Character Stats     Races     Classes     Abilities     Expertises     Achievements
World Deities     Areas     Property     Quests     Clans     Triumphs Items Items     Crafting     Ships
=CoffeeMUD Commands=
Account        Character        Combat        Commerce        Communication        Configuration        Items        Movement        Role Play        Sailing Ships       
Special    A       B       C       D       E       F       G       H       I       J       K       L       M        N       O       P       Q       R        S       T        U       V       W       Y
Examples: cast sleep orc
Shorts: CA
Description: Mages, Rangers, and at later levels, Thieves and Bards can invoke their magical abilities using the cast command. Some spells require that you direct the spell at a target, while others only apply to the caster. For help on a particular spell, enter help and then the name of the spell. Spells typically consume mana at amounts that decrease as the player gains levels. However, repeatedly casting the same spells within a short period can increase mana consumption.

