Aarakocran City

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===Aarakocran City===
Description: Home of Aarakocra in the realm. (Aarakocra plural, Aarakocran is singular) The area is characterised by a deep ravine, with the main portion of the `city` hugging the north face of the ravine. Impoverished and repressed, many Aarakocra survive in spite of the harsh conditions of their home. Flight is almost essential to reach this place or get around.
Author: Slash. CoffeeMUDified by Flyte. Currency: Gold coins (default)
Rooms: 296 Population: 66
LevelRange: 15-23 MedianLevel: 19
AvgAlign: pure neutral MedAlignment: pure neutral
Economy: Gold coins. Shopkeepers charge more for non-avians. They refuse to trade with Undead or Draconic beings.
Languages: Primarily BirdSpeak, but most shopkeepers can trade in Common.
Recommendation: Recommended for Levels 16 to 22.

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