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CoffeeMUD |
Administrator Builder Player |
=CoffeeMUD Player Information= | |||
Basics | Info Commands Socials Combat Groups | Character | Stats Races Classes Abilities Expertises Achievements |
World | Deities Areas Property Quests Clans Triumphs | Items | Items Crafting Ships |
==Abilities== |
Chants Common Skills Languages Prayers Skills Songs Spells Thief Skills |
- Abiding Aura
- Above The Law
- Ad Lib
- All Defence
- Amputation
- Animal Frenzy
- Aquatic Pass
- Armor Specialization
- Armor Tweaking
- Arrest
- Arresting Sap
- Atemi Strike
- AutoBash
- Avoid Currents
- Await Ship
- Ax Kick
- Axe Proficiency
- Axe Specialization
- Back Hand
- Bandaging
- Bard Honorary Degree
- Battle Cry
- Befriend
- Behead
- Belly Rolling
- Berzerk
- Bite
- Blind Fighting
- Blood Brother
- Blunt Weapon Proficiency
- Blunt Weapon Specialization
- Body Flip
- Body Shield
- Body Toss
- Boulder Throwing
- Bow Proficiency
- Bow Specialization
- Break A Leg
- Breakup Fight
- Buck
- Buffoonery
- Bullrush
- Cage
- Call Mount
- Called Shot
- Called Strike
- Cartwheel
- Cast Blocking
- Catch Projectile
- Cave Tactics
- Center of Attention
- Chantcraft
- Charge
- Chirurgy
- Circle Parry
- Circle Trip
- Cleave
- Cleric Honorary Degree
- Climb
- Collect Bounty
- Combat Log
- Combat Repairs
- Command Horse
- Commoner Honorary Degree
- Conduct Symphony
- Consume Corpse
- Control Undead
- Convert
- Counter-Attack
- Coup de Grace
- Cover Defence
- Critical Shot
- Critical Strike
- Crow's Nest
- Curtain Call
- Dagger Proficiency
- Dagger Specialization
- Dead Reckoning
- Decipher Script
- Deep Breath
- Deflect Projectile
- Desert Tactics
- Desperate Moves
- Dirt
- Disarm
- Disease Immunity
- Disguise
- Diving
- Dodge
- Druid Honorary Degree
- Druidic Pass
- Dual Parry
- Edged Weapon Proficiency
- Edged Weapon Specialization
- Encrypted Writing
- Endurance
- Enslave
- Exit Stage Left
- False Arrest
- Far Shot
- Fast Slinging
- Favored Enemy 1
- Favored Enemy 2
- Favored Enemy 3
- Favored Enemy 4
- Feint
- Field Tactics
- Fierce Companions
- Fifth Totem
- Fighter Honorary Degree
- Find Water
- Fire Breathing
- Flailing Weapon Proficiency
- Flailing Weapon Specialization
- Flying Kick
- Forest Tactics
- Foul Weather Sailing
- Fourth Totem
- Fragmentation
- Golem Form
- Gouge
- Guildmaster
- Haggle
- Half Attack
- Hammer Proficiency
- Hammer Specialization
- Hand to hand combat
- Handcuff
- Healing Hands
- Heroism
- Hills Tactics
- Hire Crewmember
- Holy Strike
- Hunters Endurance
- Identify Poison
- Imitate
- Improved Shield Defence
- Improved Throwing
- Instrument Bash
- Intercept Ship
- Intimidation
- Jail Key
- Joke
- Juggle
- Jungle Tactics
- Ki Strike
- Kick
- Knife Hand
- Know Plants
- Leeching
- Lightning Strike
- Make Maps
- Mage Honorary Degree
- Make Sea Maps
- Mark Disguise
- Meditation
- Memorize
- Mimicry
- Monkey Punch
- Monologue
- Morse Code
- Mountain Tactics
- Mounted Charge
- Mounted Combat
- My Plants
- Natural Weapon Proficiency
- Naval Tactics
- Opponent Knowledge
- Pack Call
- Paladin's Aura
- Paladin's Courage
- Paladin's Goodness
- Paladin's Mount
- Paladin's Purity
- Paladin's Resistance
- Parry
- Pin
- Plains Tactics
- Planar Lore
- Plant Form
- Point Blank Shot
- Poison Immunity
- Polearm Proficiency
- Polearm Specialization
- Prayercraft
- Pressure Points
- Puppeteer
- QuickChange
- Racial Lore
- Rally Cry
- Ranged Weapon Proficiency
- Ranged Weapon Specialization
- Rapid Shot
- Recall
- Recover Voice
- Regional Awareness
- Rend
- Rescue
- Return Projectile
- Reveal Text
- Revoke
- Roll With Blows
- Satire
- Scalping
- Sea Charting
- Sea Legs
- Sea Lore
- Sea Maneuvers
- Sea Navigation
- Second Attack
- Second Totem
- Sense Snares and Pits
- Set Snare
- Secret Writing
- Shape Shift
- Shield Bash
- Shield Block
- Shield Specialization
- Shrug Off
- Shuffle
- Shush
- Skillcraft
- Side Kick
- Siege Weapon Specialization
- Slapstick
- Sling Proficiency
- Slow Fall
- Smoke Signals
- Song Write
- Songcraft
- Spellcraft
- Spring Attack
- Stability
- Staff Proficiency
- Staff Specialization
- Stone Body
- Stowaway
- Strike The Set
- Struggle
- Subdue
- Swamp Tactics
- Sweep
- Swim
- Sword Proficiency
- Sword Specialization
- Thiefcraft
- Thief Honorary Degree
- Third Attack
- Third Totem
- Toughness
- Toughness II
- Toughness III
- Track
- Track Animal
- Trip
- True Shot
- Tumble
- Tune Instrument
- Turn Undead
- Two Dagger Fighting
- Two Weapon Fighting
- Upstage
- Urban Tactics
- Wands
- War Cry
- Warrants
- Water Cover
- Water Tactics
- Weapon Break
- Weapon Catch
- Weapon Sharpening
- Whomp
- Wilderness Lore
- Woodland Creep
- Woodland Hide
- Woodland Lore
- Woodland Sneak
- Write