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Revision as of 14:23, 5 January 2018 by Loki (talk | contribs) (→‎Skills)
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Administrator                                                  Builder                                                              Player
=CoffeeMUD Player Information=
Basics Info     Commands     Socials     Combat     Groups Character Stats     Races     Classes     Abilities     Expertises     Achievements
World Deities     Areas     Property     Quests     Clans     Triumphs Items Items     Crafting     Ships
Chants                  Common Skills                  Languages                 Prayers                  Skills                  Songs                  Spells                  Thief Skills
===Skill Domains===
Acrobatic      Anatomy      Animal Affinity      Arcane Lore      Armor Use      Artistic      Binding      Calligraphy      Combat Fluidity      Combat Lore      Cosmology      Criminal      Death Lore      Deceptive      Dirty Fighting      Evasive      Fitness      Foolishness      Grappling      Healing      Holy Protection      Influential      Kicking      Legal      Martial Lore      Nature Lore      Playing      Poisoning      Punching      Racial Ability      Sea Travel      Shape Shifting      Shield Use      Singing      Stealthy      Theatre      Trapping      Water Lore      Weapon Use
