The Summoning Tower

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Revision as of 18:11, 31 December 2017 by Loki (talk | contribs)
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===The Summoning Tower===
Description: The tower existed long before it was known as the summoning tower. It has always had a powerful magic of its own. Now, combined with the magic that leaks from the constant gateways opened by the summoners, the tower shifts and changes to protect itself. Do the summoners press the boundaries of what should be done? Regardless, the creatures they summon are of savage and awesome power. It is only a place for those strong of heart, and passionate about the truth. Recommended for levels 71 through 77.
Author: Din Currency: Gold coins (default)
Rooms: 50 Population: RANDOM
LevelRange: 71-77 MedianLevel: 74
AvgAlign: pure neutral MedAlignment: pure neutral
Recommendation: Recommended for levels 71 through 77.

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