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CoffeeMUD |
Administrator Builder Player |
=CoffeeMUD Player Information= | |||
Basics | Info Commands Socials Combat Groups | Character | Stats Races Classes Abilities Expertises Achievements |
World | Deities Areas Property Quests Clans Triumphs | Items | Items Crafting Ships |
==CoffeeMUD Classes== |
Bard Cleric Commoner Druid Fighter Mage Thief |
===CoffeeMUD Commoner Classes=== |
Apprentice Artisan Gaoler Sailor Scholar |
Commoners are the run-of-the-mill citizens in MUD society. These are the people who keep adventurers fed and supplied, without having to venture far beyond the protection of cityguards. Most commoners do poorly in combat, but acquire experience through other means.
Prime Abilities
There is no single stat that is most important to commoners. While some commoners may recommend certain stats, all stats are valuable and having a balanced set of stats is most useful to commoners.
- Apprentice - A starter class to allow players to log in and chat with the community prior to committing to a class. It also enables the character to have one additional crafting skill and one additional common skill.
- Artisan - A craftsman who earns most of their experience creating items and gathering materials.
- Gaoler - A medieval jailer who punishes the wicked.
- Sailor - A common seaman, great at fishing and sailing.
- Scholar - An academian who excels at organizing, teaching, studying and writing.