Build 4.1.0

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CoffeeMud Version 4.1

Released on Nov 20, 2003 12:49 AM

  1. Some new Races
  2. StdSmokeable (GenPipe, GenCigar) created -- we can now smoke!
  3. SmokeRings common skill created to improve the smoking experience.
  4. Weak/No Swimmers and items will now SINK from water surfaces.
  5. Morgue rooms can now be set by deity
  6. If the subject of a journal message starts with MOTD, it will remain new for 24 hours.
  7. New wear position: ON_BACK
  8. Cityguards will now be able to Sap those they are subdueing, even those much higher level from them.
  9. Optional INI file setting LASTPLAYERLEVEL puts a ceiling on player levels gained through experience. If it is used, anyone given a level above that number by an Archon becomes immortal (can't be killed by ordinary means).
  10. Now slightly harder to lose limbs in combat.
  11. Prop_StatTrainer now accepts "NOTEACH" parameter. Property can now be used strictly for setting stats.
  12. Sitting (Tripped) mobs can now still attack, but at half rate (could not attack at all before). Sleep spell also less powerful.
  13. Player affects will now save. Added to Player editor.
  14. Player behaviors will now save. Added to Player editor.
  15. ClanID now settable from the Player editor.
  16. Deities will now more intelligently cast spells targeting items.
  17. Some Skills will now require movement instead of mana, or half of each.
  18. Generic Races created. Too much here to say -- best feature of this version. See the Archons guide for more info.
  19. Racial Abilities created. Second best feature! Some samples have been thrown into the standard races -- see Dragon for one.
  20. new Archon LIST parm: TRAILTO <room/area/roomid>
  21. new Archon LIST parm: COMMON (for common skills -- oversight)
  22. new Scriptable conditionals: ISSEASON, ISWEATHER, GSTAT, INCONTAINER
  24. Decay behavior now triggered by mounting as well.
  25. Three new DB Tables: CMPDAT, CMGRAC, CMCCAC.
  26. Slight fudge factor adjustment to combat to make high powered low level players have a harder time with much higher level mobs.
  27. Stoneskin and Magic Items spells toned down slightly.
  28. HELP entries for skills will show players their personal mana/etc cost.
  29. Training stats above 18 will now cost more than 1 train.
  30. TRESSPASS and PROTECTED entries in the laws.ini resource file (for arrest) are now zapper masks instead of race lists. If yours is custom, you need to update it!
  31. Banker data is no longer stored in CMJRNL -- it is stored in the new CMPDAT table. An Archon must enter 'reset bankdata [bank name]' to transfer your bank data from one table to the other. You need only ever do this once.
  32. New Property: AbilityImmunity (thanks Jeremy!)
  33. New Behavior: MOBHunter (thanks Jeremy!)
  34. Journal Web Macros now allow public reading.
  35. ProtectedCitizen now accepts a cityguard mask instead of simple name.
  36. New Behavior: ProtectedCitizens -- for areas
  37. New Behavior: CombatAssister -- mask catch all for same room mob assisting.
  38. Can now set individual prices on ShopKeeper goods. Use -1 to keep using the stock pricing system.
  39. New Archon List parm: ENVRESOURCE
  40. And, of course, lots and lots and lots of bug fixes.