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Administrator                                                  Builder                                                              Player
=CoffeeMUD Builder Information=
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Targets: MOBs
Parameters: a list of masking parameters described below
Examples: -class +mage -race +elf -evil
Description: When this mob is standing next to a doorway and a player enters, the mob will open the door for the player, and close it after them. The guard will also lock the door at night, if the door has a lock. The guard will behave according to whether any players in the room meet the parameters. If no parameter is given, the guard will always follow the behavior. Valid parameters include:

keeplocked (if the door has a lock, the mob will make sure it remains so

allnight (does not operate differently at night than the day)

+SYSOP (allow archons to bypass the rules), -SYSOP (disallow archons)

+SUBOP (allow local area staff to bypass the rules), -SUBOP (disallow)

-PLAYER (disallow all players), -MOB (disallow all mobs/npcs)

-CHANCE 50 (disallow the given % of the time)

-JAVACLASS "+GENMOB" etc.. (disallow only objects of +java class)

+JAVACLASS "-GENITEM" etc.. (Do not disallow objs of -classes)

-CLASS +thief +mage +ranger (disallow all but excepted char classes)

+CLASS -thief -mage -ranger (disallow only listed classes)

-BASECLASS +thief +mage (disallow all but excepted base char classes)

+BASECLASS -thief -mage -ranger (disallow only listed base char classes)

-RACE +elf +dwarf (disallow all but excepted races)

+RACE -elf -dwarf -human -half -gnome (disallow only listed races)

-RACECAT +elf +insect +humanoid (disallow all but listed racial categories)

+RACECAT -elf -humanoid (disallow only listed racial categories)

-ALIGNMENT +evil +neutral +good (disallow all but excepted alignments)

+ALIGNMENT -evil -good -neutral (disallow only listed alignments)

-GENDER (disallow genders), -GENDER +male +neuter (create exceptions)

+GENDER -male -female -neuter (disallow only listed genders)

-FACTION (disallow all faction and values, even a lack of faction)

-FACTION +myfactionrange +faction.rangecode (create exceptions)

+FACTION -rangecode -faction.rangecode (disallow only faction range code)

-NAMES +bob "+my name" (disallow all except those with given names)

+NAMES -bob "-my name" (disallow only those with one of the given names)

-SUBNAMES +*ending +*inside* (disallow all except those with partial name)

+SUBNAMES -*ending -*insid* (disallow only those with partial name mask)

-TATTOOS +mytatto +thistattoo (disallow all but those with excepted tatts)

+TATTOOS -mytatt -anytattoo, (disallow only those with a listed tattoo)

-EXPERTISES +myedu +thisedu (disallow all but those with listed expertise)

+EXPERTISES -myedu -anyedu (disallow those with a listed expertise)

-LEVEL +=1 +)5 +)=7 +(13 +(=20 (disallow all but those player level ranges)

-=1 -)5 -)=7 -(13 -(=20 (disallow only listed levels range)

-CLASSLEVEL +=1 +)5 +(=20 (disallow all except those with current class lvl)

-MAXCLASSLEVEL +=1 +(13 (disallow only those with current class level range)

+ANYCLASS -thief -mage (disallow only those with a listed multi-class)

-ANYCLASSLEVEL +thief +)5 +mage +(10 (disallow all except multi-class lvl)

+ANYCLASSLEVEL -thief -)5 -mage -(10 (disallow only these multi-class lvls)

-SECURITY +cmdrooms +area cmditems (disallow all but listed security flags)

+SECURITY -cmdrooms +area cmditems,(disallow only those with listed flags)

-MOOD +grumpy +normal (disallow all except those with given moods)

+MOOD -grumpy -normal (disallow only those with subtracted moods)

-CLAN +Killers "+The Avengers" (disallow all except those in listed clan)

+CLAN -Killers "-Avengers" (disallow only those in a listed clan)

-DEITY +Apollo "+Grothon" (disallow all except worshippers of listed deity)

+DEITY -God "-Rothon 1" (disallow only worshippers of a listed deity)

-ANYCLASS +thief +ranger (disallow all except those with a multi-class)

-STR X (disallow those with strength greater than X)

+STR X (disallow those with strength less than X)

-INT, -WIS, -CON, -CHA, -DEX (Same as -STR, for other current stats)

+INT, +WIS, +CON, +CHA, +DEX (Same as +STR, for other current stats)

+-ADJSTR...ADJCON (Same as above, but uses current values)

-GROUPSIZE X (disallow those in groups larger than X)

+GROUPSIZE X (disallow those in groups smaller than X)

-AREA +thatarea "+my areaname" (disallow all except those in listed area)

+AREA -thatarea "-my areaname" (disallow only those in listed area)

-HOME "+area name" (disallow all except those from listed home/beacon area)

+HOME "-my areaname" (disallow only those from listed home/beacon area)

-ISHOME (disallow all npcs not currently in their home/beacon areas)

+ISHOME (disallow all npcs unless they are in their home/beacon areas)

-ITEM "+item name" etc... (disallow only those with an item name)

-WORN "+item name" etc... (disallow only those wearing item name)

-MATERIAL "+WOODEN" etc.. (disallow only items of added materials)

+MATERIAL "-WOODEN" etc.. (Do not disallow items of -materials)

-RESOURCES "+OAK" etc.. (disallow only items of added resources)

+RESOURCES "-OAK" etc.. (Do not disallow items of -resources)

-IF (CONDITION) (disallow, unless they meet Scriptable conditions)

+IF (CONDITION) (never disallow anyone who meets Scriptable cond)

-IFSTAT +STAT=VALUE +STAT=VALUE (disallow, unless a stat value is true)

+IF -STAT=VALUE -STAT=VALUE (disallow those with a stat value)

-VALUE X (disallow those with value or money less than X)

+VALUE X (disallow those with value or money greater than X)

-WEIGHT X (disallow those weighing less than X)

+WEIGHT X (disallow those weighing more than X)

-ARMOR/-DAMAGE/-ATTACK X (disallow armor/damage/attack bonus less than X)

+ARMOR/+DAMAGE/+ATTACK X (disallow armor/damage/attack bonus more than X)

+-WEAPONTYPE, +-WEAPONCLASS, and +-WEAPONAMMO for wielded weaponchecks

-WORNON "+TORSO" etc.. (disallow only items wearable on +locations)

+WORNON "-NECK" etc.. (Do not disallow items wearable on -locations)

-DISPOSITION "+ISHIDDEN" etc.. (disallow only with +dispositions)

+DISPOSITION "-ISHIDDEN" etc.. (Do not disallow only with sub disp)

-SENSES "+CANSEEDARK" etc.. (disallow only those with +senses)

+SENSES "-CANSEEDARK" etc.. (Do not disallow those with -senses)

-ABILITY X (disallow those with magical ability less than X)

+ABILITY X (disallow those with magical ability greater than X)

-HOUR/-MONTH/-DAY +X (disallow always, unless the hour/month/day is X)

+HOUR/+MONTH/+DAY -X (disallow those only when the hour/month/day is X)

-SEASON +FALL (disallow those only when season is FALL)

+SEASON -SPRING (disallow those whenever the season is SPRING)

-WEATHER +DROUGHT (disallow those only when weather is DROUGHT)

+WEATHER -BLIZZARD (disallow those whenever the weather is BLIZZARD)

-QUESTWIN "+MY QUEST" (disallow those who have not my MY QUEST)

+QUESTWIN "-MY QUEST" (disallow those who have won MY QUEST)

-EFFECTS +Sleep "+Wood Chopping" (disallow all except those with effects)

+EFFECTS -Sleep "-Wood Chopping" (disallow only those with listed effect)

-SKILLS +Spell_Sleep(75) (disallow all except those with skill proficiency)

+SKILLS -Spell_Sleep(75) (disallow only those with skill proficiency)

-SKILLFLAG +ENCHANTMENT etc.. (disallow all except those with skillflag)

+SKILLFLAG -ENCHANTMENT etc.. (disallow only those with listed skillflag)

-ACCCHIEVES +mytatto etc.. (disallow all except those with achievements)

+ACCCHIEVES -mytattoo etc.. (disallow only those with listed achievements)

