Natural Resources

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This is still a work in progress. Feel free to contribute if you see a resource that is not in here that can be gathered. Resources available have been found using Speculate.

Wilderness Type Found By Resource Type Resources
Forest Chopping Wood Oak, Wood, Pine, Teak, Ironwood, Hickory,

Sycamore, Maple

Forest Drilling Liquid Honey, Sap
Forest Foraging Vegetation Oranges
Jungle Chopping Wood None???
Jungle Foraging Vegetation Plums, Herbs, Fruit, Berries, Apples, Coffeebeans,

Oranges, Lemons, Pineapples

Jungle Foraging Cloth Hemp, Vine
Jungle Hunting Cloth Fur, Feathers
Jungle Hunting Leather Scales
Hills Mining Digging Rock Stone
Plains Mining Digging Rock Flint
Plains Foraging Vegetation Smurfberries, Corn, Beans, Wheat, Cotton, Hops,

Barley, Rice

Plains Drilling Liquid Honey
Plains Hunting Flesh Meat
Plains Hunting Cloth Fur, Hide, Feathers
Cave Mining Digging Rock Stone, Alabaster, Marble, Obsidian
Cave Foraging Vegetation Mushrooms, Fungus
Cave Mining Metal Lead, Iron, Mithril, Copper, Zinc, Chromium,

White Gold, Gold, Silver, Platinum

Cave Hunting Leather Scales
Cave Digging Gems Diamond, Bloodstone, Emerald, Ruby, Gem, Sapphire,

Alexandrite, Moonstone

Cave Digging Glass Crystal
Desert Digging Rock Sand

These can be gathered with Chopping, Drilling, Foraging, Hunting, Mining, and Digging.