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Item Types

CoffeeMUD supports a large variety of item types, with each item type having some common features.


Armor is anything that is worn by a MOB or player as a type of clothing or protection. It includes clothing, jewelry, backpacks, iouon stones, and pretty much anything equipped with a WEAR command except weapons and, in some cases, held items.

Armor Wear Locations

Items can cover a single wear location or multiple wear locations.

Location Description Common worn items
Head This generally refers to a cap, helmet or crown-type of item worn over the back of the skull, top of the head, or forehead. Cap, Crown, Helmet, Halo
Eyes This refers to anything worn in front of the eyes, and is assumed to be translucent/transparent. Eyeglasses, Sunglasses, Monacles, Brow piercings
Ears This generally refers to items worn on the earlobes. Earrings, Ear muffs, Headphones, Ear plugs
Nose This generally refers to jewelry worn on the nose. Nose Piercings
Mouth This generally refers to items held by the mouth, tongue or lips. Lip rings, Tongue Rings, Cigarettes, Pipes, Gags
Neck Items worn about the neck. Necklaces, Gorgets, Collars
Arms This location encompasses both upper arms and shoulders. There is one ARMS location per pair of arms. Armbands, Spaulders, Sleeves
Wrists There is one WRIST location per ARM that a MOB has (Left Wrist, Right Wrist, Left Wrist, Right Wrist, etc for multi-armed mobs). This covers items worn on the lower arm up to the base of the hand. Bracelets, watches, bangles and bracers.
Hands There is one HANDS location per PAIR of Arms. Gloves, Hand jewelry
Finger There is one finger per ARM that a MOB has that can wear magical jewelry. Rings
Held This location is assumed to be your off-hand, and is always the first hand you lose if amputated (doesn't matter if it is left or right hand). Wood, waterskin, torch, bags, lanterns, or anything else that can be carried but not normally worn.
Torso The chest or underbelly of the creature. shirts, bras, and other similar garments.
Back The back of the torso. Backpacks and capes.
Body This wear location includes large bulky garments that cover most of the body. cloak, poncho, bandolier, sleeping bag or other large garment.
Waist This location is generally used for belts and girdles. Belt, Girdle
Legs There is one LEGS location per PAIR of legs. The Legs location includes the lower abdomen and must be uncovered in order to conceive birth during mating. Pants, Skirts, Leggings, Peg Legs
Feet There is one FEET location per pair of legs. Shoes, Boots, Sandals, Horseshoes
Floating Nearby This location is reserved for items that hover near the character Iouon Stones

Some armors can also contain items of particular types. For example, a belt may allow a character to sheath weapons in it. Bracers and boots sometimes allow dagger-class weapons to be stored in them.


A weapon is equipped in the WEILD position, and normally improves the amount of damage you do in combat.

  • Weapons normally require only one hand to use, but larger weapons require two hands (your WIELD and HELD equipment positions). Some skills allow characters to also use additional weapons equipped in the HELD position (such as two-weapon fighting).
  • Weapons have varying weapon classifications (Weapon Types), and varying damage types.

Weapon Types

Weapon Type Sample weapons Notes
Axe Hatchet, Axe, Woodcutter's Axe, Bipenis Axe, Battle Axe, Dwarven Axe
  • Staff
Club, Sai, Cudgel, Sap, Staff
  • Staff, Jo Staff, Bo Staff
  • A Staff is a subtype of Blunt weapons. Some staffs (or staves) contain magical spells/prayers that can be activated with the wands skill.
  • Dagger
Sickle, Scissors, Dagger, Knife
  • Knife, Dagger, Stiletto, Main Gauche
Includes all DAGGER type weapons
Hammer Hammer, Maul, Mallet
Karate Brass Knuckles, Cat Claws, Teeth, Fingernails
Polearm Spear, Glaive, Halbard, Pike These weapons often have a reach of 1, but sometimes also have a minimum range of 1.
  • Thrown
Bow, Crossbow, Sling
  • Throwing knives, Shuriken, Javelins, Darts
These weapons require ammunition to use, and often have superior ranges. Some ranged weapons also have a minimum range.
  • Thrown weapons are a subtype of ranged weapons, but thrown weapons do not require ammunition (you throw the weapon you are using).
Sword Long Sword, Short Sword, Gladius, Katana, Great Sword, Flamberge

Damage Types

Also known as "Weapon Attack Types".

Damage Type Example Weapons Notes
Natural Claws, Teeth, Fingernails
Slashing Swords, knives, Axes
Piercing Darts, Arrows, Spears
Bashing Fists, Clubs, Hammers, Staffs
Burning Fire Burning weapons tend to do more damage to cloth and leather armors.
Bursting Magic, Explosions This is the damage type for magic-based attacks and spells.
Shooting Guns This is the damage type for projectiles, such as bullets.
Frosting Cold spells
Gassing Gas, Stinking Cloud
Melting Acid
Striking Electricity, Lightning Bolt


Ranged weapons require ammunition in order to use the weapon. The ammunition must be LOADed into the weapon. And while it may be confusing, some weapons share the name with some ammunitions, but ammunitions normally come in a cluster, pack, or other unit of quantity. For example, a Javelin can be a thrown weapon, but a Pack of 5 Javelins are ammunition for an Atlatl. One cannot remove one of the ammunition Javelins and use it as a is only an ammunition.

Ammunition Type Sample Weapons
Arrow Bow, Long Bow, Short Bow
Bolt Crossbow, Heavy Crossbow
Bullets Slings, Staff Slings, Hopaks
Darts Blowguns, Hand Crossbows
Javelins Atlatl, Spear Launchers


Containers hold items. Containers that are held, like bags, or are intended to sit in a room, like bookshelves and chests, should be listed in this category. Sometimes armors that are worn in other locations, like backpacks and belts, can contain items as well, but those should be listed as armors. Drinks, while often encased in a container, are generally listed under the Consumables section.


The capacity value of a container is the maximum weight of the container plus all of the contents of a container.


Mountable items are often used for transporting heavy goods, or reducing the movement cost for travel. Animals that can be mounted are not mountable items, they are mountable MOBs.

  • All Mountables have a maximum capacity of how many mobs can sit at them (or climb them).
  • MOB weight does NOT count against the storage capacity of an item.
  • The capacity value of a container is the maximum weight of the container plus all of the contents of a container.

Carts and Wagons

Carts and Wagons are large, generally wheeled, objects that are meant to be moved from room to room. These can include things like wheelbarrows that are pushed to wagons that are drawn by horses.

  • If you have sufficient Strength, you can PUSH or PULL the cart from room to room.
  • In order to attach a wagon to a horse (or other mountable animal), use the command MOUNT CART HORSE.
    • In order to detach a wagon from a horse, use the command DISMOUNT WAGON.

Boats and Ships

Boats are mountables that float on water. Boats obey all of the general rules of mountables listed above.

  • In order to move from room to room in a boat, you use the normal movement commands. Boats may only be used in water rooms, shores and docks.

Ships are very large watercraft with very special rules.

For more information on either of these watercraft, see Ships.

Climbing aids

Ladders and other such items can be used as climbing aids. To use a ladder, DROP the ladder in a room in which you which to climb (up or down). Then, you may use the UP or DOWN command without invoking the climb skill.


Furniture includes a large variety of items. Most of them allow you to sit on/at them, such as a desk or sofa. Some types of furniture are more decorative or functional.


There are many types of items in CoffeeMUD whose purpose is to store written information. Each one behaves a little differently.


Scrolls are readables that store an ability, normally a spell, prayer or chant. In order to use a scroll, one must use the READ MAGIC spell.


Maps are text-drawn pictures of areas, regions or some other directions. Maps can be auto generated with the mapmaking skill, or hand drawn.


Titles are deeds of ownership for real estate or a ship.


Recipes allow the holder to craft items recorded on them, if the user has the appropriate crafting skill. Each Recipe readable may only have recipes from one crafting skill. However, depending on the recipe readable, one or more recipes may be stored on it.


<Coming Soon>


A journal is an enumerated listing of posts that can be read and replied to.


A book is similar to a journal, in that it has an enumerated list of items. Unlike a journal, books cannot be appended without special publishing skills.











Cages are used to contain MOBs (but not Player MOBs). They require the cage skill to use properly, and the MOB must be immobilized to be successfully caged.


Keys are used to open locks. Each key works on a specific set of locks.




Resources are material components used for crafting. They often are found with gathering skills. .

